First summer show - how to show your van

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Oct 11, 2013
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Hi all, we bought the van last autumn, the body and engine are sorted and we are just finishing off restoring the Devon interior, so what's involved in showing your vehicle at a show? Any tips for a novice? Here's looking forward to summer. Thanks Jason
Never bothered"showing" the van. Just parked up with a group of mates, cracked open the beers, set up the BBQ and firepit and got on with it. If anyone came for a blather then they were more than welcome.

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If you are in a line up or display the amount of prep is up to you. I'll usually move any personal stuff out of site to make it look empty and it's usually clean and tidy anyway.
If you're seriously going for concourse or show and shine then an early start and a full detailing regime will be in order.
I've only ever done two shows.

One I rocked up on the day travelling about 20miles from home. The second one I camped the weekend.

Like clem said, I made mine as empty looking inside. However, some people opt to set up the interior as if they have laid the table for lunch/dinner with napkins, plates, glasses etc. not my style but each to their own. Some people have a photo album if they have carried out alot of work since owning. some have holiday albums to show its used. some people have billboards etc etc. Anything to draw people in and show off their pride and joy.

What I would say is that its a LONG day. I didn't really like to leave my vehicle unattended - partially to answer questions and partially incase and should happen. you have to be in the show field before the visitor gates open usually and therefore any prep has to be done before hand.

I was fortunate to come away with silverware both times, but it was just really nice to hear people's reactions and recognition for all of the hard work I had put in to mine.

was it worth it....I'd say so, but I wouldnt do every show going!
I'd say just rock up and stick your bus in. If your bothered about what makes the judges tick, stay by your bus and take notes. If not grab a cider and enjoy the show.
Your bus. Your rules....but what do I know. :D
I put my bus in line ups now & again but the main thing to me is being at the show with my mates. It's clean and straight but will never win anything because it gets used and isn't perfect. As said the show 'level' is up to you.
sparkywig said:
I only do the earlybay line-ups, and as mine's a heap of shite it's quite funny hearing the reactions of some people as they look around.

I`m usually parked right by him :mrgreen: We do have a right giggle at what some of em say :msn4: There are a hell of a lot of V W experts out there that know exactly how many bolts it takes to plonk a porshey type motor in there and how to fix my pile of shit up ,,,,,,,,, four apparently :shock: :shock: :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,But we`re mostly half smashed by then :lol: ;) :lol:
ozziedog said:
sparkywig said:
I only do the earlybay line-ups, and as mine's a heap of shite it's quite funny hearing the reactions of some people as they look around.

I`m usually parked right by him :mrgreen: We do have a right giggle at what some of em say :msn4: There are a hell of a lot of V W experts out there that know exactly how many bolts it takes to plonk a porshey type motor in there and how to fix my pile of shit up ,,,,,,,,, four apparently :shock: :shock: :shock:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,But we`re mostly half smashed by then :lol: ;) :lol:

Funny you should say that about the porsche engine! Having fitted one myself I can tell you its not that easy, but then again you know that.

When I was showing the bus at Vanfest (first yr it was busfest) I had posters explaining the spec of my camper and someone still turned around and said to their mate, "He's got one of those porsche fan conversions!!!!!!"

I nearly exploded, lol
sparkywig said:
I only do the earlybay line-ups, and as mine's a heap of shite it's quite funny hearing the reactions of some people as they look around.

My bus was in the earlybay lineup at Stanford Hall one year.

One chap commented as he walked by 'That's not rat look, that's just shit'.

(it's not meant to be rat-look, it's work-in-progress :D)

I used to show my mk1 golf but it was just a pain in the arse. seeing people around the site enjoying their buses & just generally chilling out is what got me into the bus scene.
wouldn't go back to showing, prefer to let my daughter jump on the seats & use and abuse the van.

but each to there own & all that
My tips are:

Leave all your old rubbish on the dash, and empty rum bottles on the roof from the night before.


Get your mate to bring his landrover. Crack open the beers/rum and sit on the roof while the bus in being show.


Wake up feeling like this!


The next day show and shine. Sleep in the back while they judge it...


Sober up and drive home.
Good times had by all.
Just enjoy yourself at the shows , I do line up for the show and shine. I do enjoy meeting all of the people that have a look around and ask questions . Having said that you do miss the fun of the day and it can be hassle sometimes.

the line ups more fun than show and shine as you get to see every one pride and joy, that's the best bit of the show IMO, taking to other owners and listening to the history and work that they have done.

Sparky and Ozzie , both your vans are cool as. I would be more than happy to rock up and park next to any one of my EB buddy's.

As Clem said if you do show and shine Make sure that your van is not full of clutter, most of my prep is done at home with a slight tart up befor lining up.

Roll on summer :D
audix said:
My tips are:
Leave all your old rubbish on the dash, and empty rum bottles on the roof from the night before.
Get your mate to bring his landrover. Crack open the beers/rum and sit on the roof while the bus in being show.
Wake up feeling like this!
The next day show and shine. Sleep in the back while they judge it...
Sober up and drive home.
Good times had by all.

THIS^^^ but what do i know :D
Got my bus inside volksworld once, was three days of hard work and polishing before hand, I am not sure i'd do it again, but was cool to be able to say I have done it.
park it and walk away avioding all van bores, if anyone asks a question tell em its not yours and piont to the nearest person and say he knows all about these things.

you will get a few weirdos asking the stramgest questions, my plan is just be rude and they normally walk away.

Cheers guys, I think a bit of mix n match is in order. Do you have to preregister or just entire on the day? After spending all this cash be nice to try for a trophy! Which show are best? I am thinking about the one in Shropshire, camper jam and maybe the sidmoth one while we are down there on hols. Good advice keep it coming, cheers

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