Ay up again,
Quick update on the dreaded Solex 34!
Received and fitted rebuild kit ok.
Having dismantled the thing, I found that the shaft or rod in the throttle housing (holds that butterfly valve or flap) has no sealing bush and was "a bit loose" in its housing. That was the source of the leak however, in my view not much fuel should be sloshin' about in there. it's possible that the old float valve was defective and too much fuel was whistling around there? I don't know! Anyway, I put a washer on the idle control plate nut and did it up as tight as poss whilst still allowing free movement. Whacked it back on and...............no more leak! (so far!) I guess a way round all the hassle that these carbs can give is to fit the conversion single one that Just Kampers, or maybe others, sell? But for the moment I am satisfied and grateful for the tips from you guys so thanks! Another bonus....................England made the quarter finals! A good day all round!!
Cheers me hearties!