Fuel/starting issue

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
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My regulator has been on 5.5psi so thought about turning it down to 3.5psi

1776 with twin 40's

How wrong was I.......went out for a drive - all good

1 mile later - Started popping and then engine died out - turned it back up to 5.5psi

After 15 minutes of trying to turn engine over and not a thing - it started up again - managed to drive it within 200yd from home and the engine gradually died out again - after about another 30mins it started again - got the ****** home....

Left it 30 minutes - Started first time on the button - let it run at 1500-2000rpm for a minute or so then it spluttered and died again.......

What have I done .......?????

I'm starting to have enough of this lark.....
Is your coil new?
I had similar running problems and i spent ages trying to work it out, i changed changed everything twice with no luck then i changed the coil never had problem since.
radish said:
Is your coil new?
I had similar running problems and i spent ages trying to work it out, i changed changed everything twice with no luck then i changed the coil never had problem since.

No it's not - is there an easy way to test it??

I've just ordered an electronic fuel pump so will ditch the mechanical - it's funny how it's starting after being left for a while then dies out after a couple of minutes -

I'm wondering if it's being overloaded with too much or too little fuel before cutting out
http://autorepair.about.com/od/troubleshooting/ss/coil-test-ohm_3.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I haven't read this but a quick google will let you know what to do.

Cliffords or speedy will probably have a lucas in stock or get a beru of ebay for less than £20, i think it came from JK.
radish said:

I haven't read this but a quick google will let you know what to do.

Cliffords or speedy will probably have a lucas in stock or get a beru of ebay for less than £20, i think it came from JK.

Cheers is there any particular model number/specification I need
The coil only got warm - I remember when my last one went a few years back it was hot

Would they still pack up at the point of "warming up"
I do'nt know you are getting 5.5 psi with standard mechanical pump. Weber's run on no more than 3.5 psi My electric fawset pump only delivers just over 4psi but have turned it down to 3.5 psi and Im running 36IDF's no problem. Before you go buying new coil etc check to see if you are getting a spark when engine does not fire up. disconnect a plug lead insert a spare plug and hold it against engine and get some one to turn engine over. If it sparks it sounds as if you have fuel problems. Check inline filter or replace.
:idea: :idea: :)
If the coil is breaking down then the effect worsens with temp. You may get a strong spark when cold but this weakens as the coil gets hotter and it's internal resistance increases. Make sure you get a nice "fat" spark, not a weedy little one.

Sent from my GX64 SatCom phone using Tapatalk
New coil fitted........,
Checked points - checked condensor

Electric fuel pump fitted......

Still running for a minute or so then engine dies out

I'm losing the will to live :(

Not changed the regulator yet.....

Any more clue fellas before I jack it in....
Have you dropped a multimeter on the ignition live to the coil, to check there is a constant supply?

Checked the rotor arm/ replace?

Check the dizzy cap in side for cracks / burnt bad contacts?

I see in your avatar pic you've got reversing lights? Aren't they powered from the coil? Disconnect them incase there's a short?

Just a few for you to try :? Chin up it'll get sorted 8)
Had a very similar issue on a 1776 engine in a bug with twin 40's. Turned out to be fuel starvation due to crud from the tank blocking the electric fuel pump filter. Make sure the fuel line at the engine end spurts out at a decent rate and not dribble.
Thanks for your replies -

It's got a new distributor on it - the engine has only done 150miles

The reversing lights are now indicators - nothing extra wired into coil
Other than fuel pump and rev counter (that has now stopped working!)

It starts on the button if left for a while.......

But after it's conked out, I have to wait a couple of minutes before it will start up again -
My fuel lines are 6mm is this correct for twin 40 webers.

I'm really wondering if the regulator is buggered as this problem only started after
I filled up my tank with fuel then foolishly turned the dial on the regulator to
3.5 as it was on 5.5....

If I replace the regulator with a Malpassi Filter King can I go from
6mm hose to 8mm hose then back to 6mm or should I run 8mm after the
Filter King????

If so would I need to replace the hose barbs on the carbs????
just run it without the reg for a while just to test if it cures it get a malpasi king they sell a 6/8 unit 6mm is the way to go
Just to hijack this... Mentioned is the fuel tank filter getting blocked...

I think I may have a similar issue. Can the pipe be removed easily to check the internal filter and also replace the fuel line from tank to pump?

Could anyone talk me through the process, almost dummies guide?

Thank you!

Start with an empty tank!
The outlet from the tank is held on with a gland nut, unscrew this and the fitting should slide out with the brass gauze filter intact. If lots of rust and crap comes out with it the the tank may need a flush and seal. The gauze can be cleaned and re-used if it is in decent condition.

Sent from my GX64 SatCom phone using Tapatalk
Best guess, fuel starvation. Its running on the content of the float chamber then dies when it runs out because the fuel isn't getting in fast enough to fill it back up.

I'd try clearing out the carbs and filters, temporarily remove the regulator (because that's the last thing you touched before this started happening) and then see if it will sit and idle for a good few.

Don't know how old the regulator is but if its one of those cheap turndial ones, the internal diagram cracks and disintegrates like on cheap fuel lines and I'd guess trying to change it was enough to shake the bits out and block things up.
68_early_bay said:
Also if it's fuel related, any possibility of debris in the tank blocking the outlet?

Sounds like not enough fuel get the filter out the tank and have a look for crap in the pipe as I bet the filter is buggered and crap is getting sucked into the outlet pipe

Ps disconnect the battery first !!


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