Hello all
Found my way here via Kamperchat, and I hope I am not intruding as I have a 74 van not an early bay. Anyway, this thread interested me as I have been through a similar process to get my van away into a garage. I read most of the posts, and I don't think that my poor-man's solution was mentioned, so I thought I would air it. Though the pair of wooden doors look lovely, a cheaper option is to remove the garage door and all the up-and-over mechanism, cut down the batten at the top to the level of the lintel, and this was enough height to get in my Devon van with a poptop roof. The original garage door was then re-hung using a couple of large side hinges, and then a strip of thick industrial plastic (or old lino) attached to the bottom of the door to cover the 6" gap there. Then use a couple of padlocks for security.
My garage is not next to the house, but in a block nearby, so perhaps not the neatest solution for an integral garage, but certainly the cheapest.
Hope this info may be of help.
Good luck.