Giving Something Back To EarlyBay?

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks to this forum, I not only brought a 1971 earlybay van but I kept at it when we first got it and had a few teething problems. Whenever I have a question, I come onto the forum and receive fantastic help. At the moment, I am learning all the basics about maintenance and being a newbie, I have some real dumb questions. However, I have never been put down and no one has ever been sarcastic.

So at the moment, all I have done is take from the forum and I was wondering how people like me can give something back. I do not have much knowledge yet so answering peoples questions is hard for me. I have fed back with some information on the things I have brought such as the cover (" onclick=";return false;) and brought and displayed the earlybay sticker in my van but was wondering what else people like myself can do for the forum.

Many thanks.
Not a bad idea giving something back. In particular to the mods who have to put up with all are BS and putting tech threads in General. That just drives them batty. :lol:

Some other forums survive on monetary contributions donated by members after they sell goods in the classified section. Donations are then rewarded back to the members with a star rating next to their user name. The more stars you have the more generous a member/seller you appear to be. Might work hear, might not, not for me to decide, just throwing one out there. :D
The best way to give back to earlybay is by remaining a member and helping those in need in what ever capacity you can, especially when urgent shouts for assisstance are put out.....
Free swapmeet @ my place, Sun Sept 30th!!!!!!
All earlybayers welcome!!!!!

There's a thread on here, but not sure how to post links :?
Nice post mate, but you will soon build up your knowledge as you attempt to do jobs on your own bus, then you can pass that on when others ask. The fact that you are asking also helps others when they search the forum, Thats what makes this forum the best. so keep it up and enjoy your bus 8)
Now, the very fact that you have posed this question and your reasons for doing so is exactly what makes this place what it is.
TLB have a 'karma' rating, were we to have the same on here, yours would be right at the top level I'm sure.
Suggest you continue as before and let the EB aura flow!

Oh, please ignore the drunken and sometimes offensive ramblings of some (ok, me mainly....)this is a kind and friendly place to be. :D
creationblue said:
Nice post mate, but you will soon build up your knowledge as you attempt to do jobs on your own bus, then you can pass that on when others ask. The fact that you are asking also helps others when they search the forum, Thats what makes this forum the best. so keep it up and enjoy your bus 8)

WHS ^^

I knew nothing about aircooled's when I first bought my bus - had to learn everything again so when someone has a problem with something that I've already had to fix then I can chip in with my experience - there's other ways that I pass on the karma:

When doing something (e.g. laying a new floor, installing leisure setup) whack up a build thread and it will help others when it comes to doing it themselves

I pass on parts when people need them - either as a loan for testing (e.g. carbs that I'm not using) or if someone needs something that I have in a box doing nothing I provide it for postage/beer cost, sounds daft in todays ebay driven monetary world - but it's for my own karma, if I have something that's not worth anything to me (e.g. old door cards, rubber cab set, old air filters, old manifolds e.t.c.) but helps someone else out then it's theirs, then when I need something (help, advice e.t.c.) I get it back in return,

The amount I must have saved in mechanics costs for my bus alone means that for a fellow EB forum member, they are welcome to my time to take piccies and the bits I swap out on my van! 8)

(a commendable example for this is the earlybay script badges - a couple of pints + production costs! see, karma smiles on us all :) )
Araon said:
The best way to give back to earlybay is by remaining a member and helping those in need in what ever capacity you can, especially when urgent shouts for assisstance are put out.....
This 8) and of course we all accept individual paypal amounts that is to be used for fast women and booze, er i mean for slow earlies and er no, i was right first time, fast women and booze :mrgreen:
great thread.
at the risk of sounding like the worlds biggest girlie man, i find it amazing the amount of advice and offers of help i see on a regular basis within this forum.
i fall into the "wish i could help more in the technical section, but am unable to" camp. i help out where i can and will endeavour to offer assistance where possible in the future.
a big thanks from me for direct assistance so far and all the build threads that exist to share individual achievements that inspire and assist us all.
lard said:
creationblue said:
Nice post mate, but you will soon build up your knowledge as you attempt to do jobs on your own bus, then you can pass that on when others ask. The fact that you are asking also helps others when they search the forum, Thats what makes this forum the best. so keep it up and enjoy your bus 8)

WHS ^^

I knew nothing about aircooled's when I first bought my bus - had to learn everything again so when someone has a problem with something that I've already had to fix then I can chip in with my experience - there's other ways that I pass on the karma:

When doing something (e.g. laying a new floor, installing leisure setup) whack up a build thread and it will help others when it comes to doing it themselves

I pass on parts when people need them - either as a loan for testing (e.g. carbs that I'm not using) or if someone needs something that I have in a box doing nothing I provide it for postage/beer cost, sounds daft in todays ebay driven monetary world - but it's for my own karma, if I have something that's not worth anything to me (e.g. old door cards, rubber cab set, old air filters, old manifolds e.t.c.) but helps someone else out then it's theirs, then when I need something (help, advice e.t.c.) I get it back in return,

The amount I must have saved in mechanics costs for my bus alone means that for a fellow EB forum member, they are welcome to my time to take piccies and the bits I swap out on my van! 8)

(a commendable example for this is the earlybay script badges - a couple of pints + production costs! see, karma smiles on us all :) )

And i must fall into the useless pain in the arse member, who kindly borrow said carb from lard and keeps forgetting to post it back!
He very kindly posted me a carb to try whilst i was having engine issues and even though i have never met Larry he was really happy to help,
Karma will reward you with a beer im sure :D
(i will get it sorted this week!)
strutt said:
lard said:
creationblue said:
Nice post mate, but you will soon build up your knowledge as you attempt to do jobs on your own bus, then you can pass that on when others ask. The fact that you are asking also helps others when they search the forum, Thats what makes this forum the best. so keep it up and enjoy your bus 8)

WHS ^^

I knew nothing about aircooled's when I first bought my bus - had to learn everything again so when someone has a problem with something that I've already had to fix then I can chip in with my experience - there's other ways that I pass on the karma:

When doing something (e.g. laying a new floor, installing leisure setup) whack up a build thread and it will help others when it comes to doing it themselves

I pass on parts when people need them - either as a loan for testing (e.g. carbs that I'm not using) or if someone needs something that I have in a box doing nothing I provide it for postage/beer cost, sounds daft in todays ebay driven monetary world - but it's for my own karma, if I have something that's not worth anything to me (e.g. old door cards, rubber cab set, old air filters, old manifolds e.t.c.) but helps someone else out then it's theirs, then when I need something (help, advice e.t.c.) I get it back in return,

The amount I must have saved in mechanics costs for my bus alone means that for a fellow EB forum member, they are welcome to my time to take piccies and the bits I swap out on my van! 8)

(a commendable example for this is the earlybay script badges - a couple of pints + production costs! see, karma smiles on us all :) )

And i must fall into the useless pain in the arse member, who kindly borrow said carb from lard and keeps forgetting to post it back!
He very kindly posted me a carb to try whilst i was having engine issues and even though i have never met Larry he was really happy to help,
Karma will reward you with a beer im sure :D
(i will get it sorted this week!)

haha! No worries, had forgotten about it again :D - karma delivered me a seized brake drum, that I only noticed after getting back from the weekend away which was nice (as otherwise I'd have panicked and got it trailered back if noticed during the trip!)
Giving back to the community is the idea, so here is my input.

I'm an active member of the Dutch Baywindow forum ( VCT-2 ) And every summer holiday, we get posts from people who are abroad and having troubles with their busses.

The modern VW's can count on the service which is provided by the VW dealer network Worldwide.
However, for your (30 years minimum ) old VW, obtaining parts or service could be a major pain. And what about not speaking the language :?:

Therefore I made a map on Google maps where I collected the Aircooled shops ( I could find ). My goal is to create a complete overview of specialists in Europe. However, I can't do it al by myself, thats where I need your help.

Please take a look at this map, and share your input. I hope we can make it a big succes together, and maybe in the future we have our own "dealer network"

Thank you." onclick=";return false;

Greetings from the Netherlands
Marcel 8)
This is a great idea, perhaps worth creating a new post and making it a sticky?

A workshop I would add to the list:

NOSVW" onclick=";return false;
Why make it into a popularity contest? Everyone here is a vital part of the forum, so just leave it that way. 8)
Thanks for your input, I will add the mentioned specialist.
I'm not looking for any popularity for myself, nor do I want to choose one specialist for another.

I know everybody has his own experience with dealers and like one more than an other.
I only want to know which specialist is te nearest when I need help ( parts etc)

If you are rescued by an Ambulance and brought to a garage; nothing is more frustrating then have to wait several days for parts.

I had a broken clutchcable once; I was lucky enough to carry one with me, so one hour of minor struggeling and I was back on the road.

Please noticd that I'm not related to any of the garages mentioned on the map; nor do I make any profit with the map.

If you have suggestions, please let me know.

Marcel 8)

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