Heaps of comiserations to you I lost mine in similar circs a couple of years back, two weeks on the road after hours of hard graft. If its any help I did have a fire extinguisher and a passer by stopped to assist with another but a fuel fed fire will not be stopped unless you can stop the feed. I was in shock and very low for the next few months as this project had been my baby for months. I have managed to find another van and am back on the road. I now have my fuel lines checked regularly and any that might come off are wired on. My son is in the process of fitting an inline fuel cut off thingy. Keep on the forum and hope to see you back on the road as soon as. At least the economic situation is keeping prices low. XXX
Feel for you mate, glad your all ok though. Never heard of the shrinking fuel line thing and I'm a mechanic! :shock: Decided that I'm gonna invest in a suppression kit, tempted to convert my Webers to take the screw on fuel unions and braided pipes :?
Reading your story has proven to be the final warning for me and I have now invested in a Firetec system through Cool Air. 200 notes for an engine bay kit, foam extinguisher for the cab and carbon monoxide alarm. It's a no brainer.
Hope to see you back on the road sooner rather than later, better than ever.
Im sorry to read about the loss of your bus, but thank God no one was hurt. Hoefully once the insurance company has paid out you will be back on the road in another bus.