Has Email notification gone again??

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Sorry to be a pain but email notifications seem to have stopped again for me today, anyone else having the same problem :?: :?:

(Seems odd that its exactly a week ago that it last went down or am I being too simplistic?)
last time was an unscheduled server restart, email didnt automatically start with it.

Im going to restart the webserver again so we will be down for a few mins, see if it sorts the problem out.
Had a p.m. and a topic reply but no notifications..... :?

Got some fatal exeption time out message when trying to post this,then its on twice :lol:

Still not working for me, how about everyone else?
not working with me at all????? i'm having to remember all threads i have seen/posted.................my head hurts ;) ;)
and i still keep getting this error?? not sure if it's my computer???

PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\WebSites\Percy\forum.earlybay.com\wwwroot\includes\functions.php on line 3134
im really sorry about that guys i know how annoying it is especially if your a trader. The host swore blind there was nothing wrong at his end and ive been tearing my hair out for a week wondering what was wrong.

As it happens it WAS the (please insert an expletive of your choice here)-ing host. This was affecting new registrations as well :evil:

All i can say is 'Twats' :roll:

anyway... back to normal.
Working for me now :) ,Got a notification from this thread so fingers crossed.........
Thats wierd. I havent changed anything but since posting this thread im back in action. Cheers Johnny if its your doing.

Thanks, back up and working :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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