I fitted a new Dissy, Cap, Rota, Condenser and Points over the weekend, re-timed it, and then took it out last night for a test and it passed pretty well.
I was out in it for about hour and half and gave it a good run on dual carriageways, and i could only notice a very, very slight hesitation at the top end.
I almost feel like i might have been imagining it but regardless, we was cruising up the hills at full speed and it seemed pretty good.
We are off to Santa Pod this weekend to watch the racing, that's a good 3ish hours each way from Brighton, so we shall see how it gets on.
Either way, i am going to retune the carb when we get back and see if that irons out the last little tiny murmurs of hesitation.
So thanks to you all for your ideas/input, i will update after the weekend and fingers crossed, its sorted!