Thanks for that Joval
It will be good to watch its progress.
Still sorting the shipping at present. RoRo is considerably cheaper so to have her running would be a huge advantage. The vendor loves these buses and has a cracking 67 split but knows little about engines. But he does have a local friend who is a VW mechanic who does his mechanical work and knows these engines very well. He's going to get him to check and give an opinion on the engine. So I'm thinking along the lines of if its just a case of fresh fuel, battery, new plugs, points, leads etc to get it running sweet, then if he's reasonable priced then the money I save on getting it on the RoRo could pay him for the work. Would kinda give me a win win situation :wink:
Although sat for 4 years it still turns over which is positive, but who knows.
Still sorting the shipping at present. RoRo is considerably cheaper so to have her running would be a huge advantage. The vendor loves these buses and has a cracking 67 split but knows little about engines. But he does have a local friend who is a VW mechanic who does his mechanical work and knows these engines very well. He's going to get him to check and give an opinion on the engine. So I'm thinking along the lines of if its just a case of fresh fuel, battery, new plugs, points, leads etc to get it running sweet, then if he's reasonable priced then the money I save on getting it on the RoRo could pay him for the work. Would kinda give me a win win situation :wink:
Although sat for 4 years it still turns over which is positive, but who knows.