Lake Elsinore, Calif. VW Vintage wrecking yard video

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If you contact them, ask for Jim and tell him "JM" told you about them.....

Bloody Hell, whens the next plane out to Cali :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
wow :shock: - that's a lot of vans! - just attempting to quantify the value of parts alone, let alone the vans stacked up that would be for sale in a flash if in the UK :)

BTW - like HD video, much appreciated ;)
Quality stuff! I wonder what Type 3 gems are there aswell ;)
Holy Crap!!! :shock:

Them scrapped vans are better and less rusty then mine. :oops:

Says a lot about them late bays, most of the ones i saw in the video are late bays. Didnt make em like they used to.
How cool was that! I want to live in California!!!

Mostlly late busses, I did spot at least one early bay though :)
Was just looking at there web site" onclick=";return false;

and their stock list

Bugs & Super Beetles 1960 - 1977 40 Vehicles
Convertible Bugs 1963 - 1979 7 Vehicles
Karmann Ghias 1970 - 1974 5 Vehicles
Buses and Campers 1968 - 1979 60 Vehicles :shock:
Squarebacks and Fastbacks 1967 - 1973 12 Vehicles
What we need is an earlybay investment all that ship it across and pass it on at a honourable profit ;)
Araon said:
What we need is an earlybay investment all that ship it across and pass it on at a honourable profit ;)

I will start selling my body tonight, to help fund it :D . Pdoblem is i dont think ill get much for it :oops:
Get yourself down the docks chap, some passing sailor may give you a few quid :shock: :lol:
Absolutely amazing sight!
But joking aside, it does make you stop and think about how feasible it would be to organise a 40' container of pre ordered parts for EB members. Could be a logistical & financial nightmare seeing how long it takes us sometimes to get a normal group buy together, but could it be done??? :idea:
Well, there is 1x company I'm talking to that has a container service from NC, USA to the UK deal that they are working on.

But we will see if it pans out or not.

I wish I could state some more about that yard...but I think I should lest yet! ;)
Jesus, :shock: Now that's where I want to spend next year's hoilday. What a fantastic place.

I've just watched it 5 times, dribbling over the keyboard :mrgreen:

Graham L . when are we going? bags packed :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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