Medicinal Cannabis?

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I have stage 4 colon cancer with metastises in my liver. I am currently recovering from round 11/12 chemotherapy sessions since diagnosed last November. As soon as that happened I bought a vapouriser and fortunately I have a couple of friends who supply me what I need. I use it to ease the symptoms of the chemo which can be a bit brutal. It has helped hugely with my appetite, lifting my mood and energy levels. I have needed pain relief only a few times with Oramorph but generally the vapourising works. I have read quite extensively on the medical benefits and there is mostly anecdotal evidence and some research coming through which given the chance looks hugely promising. There are current clinical trials at GOSH testing to reduce severe epilepsy in children (my daughter is a neurological patient there)
Cannabis oil is the type being most talked about in relation to tumours, but how to make and self administer is hugely difficult and expensive in this country.
For more info try the patients alliance who lobby for legalised medical marajuana, you can find them on Facebook.
All the very best with your son and to you.
(Ps I am a latebay owner and caught this via tapatalk feed) y
nimrodihnio said:
I have stage 4 colon cancer with metastises in my liver. I am currently recovering from round 11/12 chemotherapy sessions since diagnosed last November. As soon as that happened I bought a vapouriser and fortunately I have a couple of friends who supply me what I need. I use it to ease the symptoms of the chemo which can be a bit brutal. It has helped hugely with my appetite, lifting my mood and energy levels. I have needed pain relief only a few times with Oramorph but generally the vapourising works. I have read quite extensively on the medical benefits and there is mostly anecdotal evidence and some research coming through which given the chance looks hugely promising. There are current clinical trials at GOSH testing to reduce severe epilepsy in children (my daughter is a neurological patient there)
Cannabis oil is the type being most talked about in relation to tumours, but how to make and self administer is hugely difficult and expensive in this country.
For more info try the patients alliance who lobby for legalised medical marajuana, you can find them on Facebook.
All the very best with your son and to you.
(Ps I am a latebay owner and caught this via tapatalk feed) y

Sorry to hear of your diagnosis nimrod, oil isn't that difficult to make and less expensive if you can grow or know someone that does ;) I met Mike Cutler last year who cured his terminal liver cancer (google him) sadly he died rather quickly of lung cancer a few months later but he was a lovely bloke and very passionate. There are also great results for colon cancer, especially if you use suppositories which don't get you high at all. Worth a try x x x
I worked in a hydro shop selling growing equipment.
many of my customers bought medical seeds.
its low in thc which gets you high . they are high in cbd which is what takes the pain away..
its a shame its illegal as it has lots of benefits in the medical scene.

if I was you id grow 1 plant as all you will get if you get a knock on the door is a caution.
as long as you tell them its for your own use and not for your son.

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