My 1968 Microbus Deluxe...

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Wel after several hours on my back, getting a face full of muck, I have finally managed to remove most of the mess.

Hi Gray, yep it would be so so much better if you were around the corner. But at least I can call upon this forum, I would be lost without this as it has helped me on so many things. Somethings I can't find in the books/manuals so I search on this forum and 9 times out of 10 I will find something relating to my search and problem on the way to being solved.

Change the oil, mesh filter and gaskets. Took her for a run-a-round and can see a leak still, need to get her up to have a proper look around, but at least it is cleaner now. Also gave the oil air bath filter a proper clean and topped up with fresh oil. Points, spark plug, dizzy cap, leads and other serviceable items next on the list.

Weekend over and back to work. Will pick it up next weekend and do a little reading up on oil leaks in the meantime.

Time flys when your having fun.
I have not been out in the bus at night, ever since I replaced a few of the dash light bulbs. And to my amazement while driving back from the pub tonight, I could see the speedo for the first time ever while driving at night. Pat on the back - oh happy days.
It took me two years to get around to sorting the dash out. The first show stopper for me was the heater levers, but after researching a fair bit on the forum and asking advice I managed to get these removed. Lost a bit of skin in the process as I was using the hole in the dash for the radio to get my hands through, at the same time having another hand going directly from under the dash. With the levers off the dash just unscrews. My next task was to take photos and making notes of the wiring - I labelled all the wires up and started to unplug each one. The connectors are small, I did have to replace one crimp connector. All the bulb holders were cleaned along with all the earth connections. I had an issue using some LED bulbs I purchased, so than reverted back to stock bulbs and all was well.
Things did get moved about, and other wires tugged as part of the whole process. But everything worked to plan in the end.

I've still yet to put the heater levers back on, but now the skin has all grown back, I might do it this weekend. At least I know I can do it, as the saying goes "A journey of a thousand miles, starts with a single step".

The journey of getting lights to work on the dash, starts with those flipping heater levers :D
I also noticed a difference with changing gears. Last weekends gearbox oil change appears to have made an improvement. That job took a little longer than expected, but after devising a vessel from an old fizzy bottle and flexi hose, I was able to squeeze 1 litre of oil in at a time. Working on the bus is getting me a little fitter, all this getting up and under the bus seems to be good for my health.
A weekend away at the Apex Festival... I decided right at the last minute, got up on the Saturday morning and decided to get going.

Saturday afternoon, after the down pour.

Bugs watching Bugs.

About to test out the bed for the first time.

A good nights sleep, but need to buy some levelling chock blocks.

Track side, and with some good company. It was a good weekend and I'm pleased as this was the longest trip to date, approx 280 miles round trip.
Over the Bank Holiday weekend I took some photo's of my bus, just locally to where I live. Had a play around with HDR photography as I have always loved the vivd effect you can achieve using HDR. Personally, I think they look great and it is the bus that brings these photos to life.

This is my favourite...

I parked up at the local supermarket, when I returned I found a lovely T2 parked up next to mine. Did not get to meet the owner, but it made my day.

Have a problem with one of my headlights, drivers side (LHD), the main bean doesn't work. Everything seems to point to the flasher unit, not sure about this, but will look further at the weekend.
MOT'd and tax'd for another year.

Now to look forward to V-Dub Island, Beach Buggin', VW Action and Brighton Breeze. Might still be able to fit in some other events yet too. Bring it on...

Volksworld - done
Apex - done
Just Kampers - done
Beaulieu - done
A visit to Beaulieu for the 1st Simply VW event July. It was only a tenner to stay over night, will be doing this again next year...


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