My 69 Deluxe - Lady Novice Attempt Amateur Mechanics!

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New curtains in :D
I had one of those 'I'm bored, maybe I should do something on the camper' moments early evening after work. I decided to start to tackle my exhaust system and output transmission seals. Or at least start anyway!

I managed to get this far on one side of the transmission seals, realising very quickly that it was a naive thought that I might be able to skip buying circlip removers! Guess what I'm buying tomorrow? Other than that seemed pretty straight forward... So far...


Also removed one side of the 'quiet' (NOT) pack and heat exchanger. I'm going to ride with a stock beetle exhaust until I have enough pennies for a vintage speed! Quiet packs are kak, period!

The HEx wasn't all that bad tbh, i may as well replace them though, bought a new set now!


Hopefully have most of it stripped down by tomorrow ready for mr royal mail delivering my nice new bits and bobs :D
When you get the replacements - look down the big hole and compare the fins - maybe you just took off an OG one. ;)
ZedBed said:
When you get the replacements - look down the big hole and compare the fins - maybe you just took off an OG one. ;)

I'm pretty sure these aren't og zeddy, don't seem heavy enough or great quality tbh. I'll take a look though :D
All stripped down now and just awaiting all my parts to arrive.. Thanks to Graham L and the loan of his circlip removers I've replaced both sides output seals. One didn't need it but I figured stuff it, in for a penny I've bought them now! Interestingly I found both sides had no caps on the flange, perhaps the source of my tranny leak? Anyway, they're almost back together now, just waiting on the delivery of the caps and I'm all done at that end. Whole job prob took me collectively about 3 hours I'd say, lots of swearing and twisting!


All cleaned up and parts replaced ready to bolt back up!


Also trial fitted the new exhaust. Very happy with the look!

Merlydog said:
Reassembled and good for fitting :mrgreen: Happy with the finish :mrgreen:

wow... is this the roofrack i sold you?? looks amazing, better than new.. good work ;)
baj said:
Merlydog said:
Reassembled and good for fitting :mrgreen: Happy with the finish :mrgreen:

wow... is this the roofrack i sold you?? looks amazing, better than new.. good work ;)

Yep that's the one matey.. Looks ok doesn't it :D Thanks for your comments, much appreciated :D
A busy day today.. Had pretty much all day at it.. Changed gearbox oil, finished off the cv joints, well almost, can you believe one of the bolts snapped in the flange so I had to take it all apart, AGAIN! Still, I'm a dab hand now so easy peesy if I ever have to do them again. Thank god there was enough bolt left to get the pliers round it or I'd have cried :cry: That took twice as long as I thought so I was behind schedule!
On with the tappets, belt change, oil change, all went ok.. 8)
Heat Ex arrived whilst I was under the bus so I figured I'd crack on and fit them. They were a bit of a pig to be honest, tight fit and fiddly round the cable bracket. Then I started to fit the exhaust. The right hand side was impossible to get to to tighten the bolt, soooo off the the heat ex again to make room :shock: Sorted!
Stand back and admire your days efforts and a nice new exhaust and suddenly think... Oh bollocks... I hadn't slid the donut gaskets over the heat ex to exhaust pipe!

It was time to pack up though.. Tomorrows another day..

Almost ready for camping this year! :mrgreen:

To think a year ago I'd have paid someone a small fortune to do all these bits. Much more satisfying to do it yourself I think :D Only downside is how bloody stinky and oily you get. Yuk!
To think a year ago I'd have paid someone a small fortune to do all these bits. Much more satisfying to do it yourself I think :D Only downside is how bloody stinky and oily you get. Yuk!

Great work!! 8) but eh.. that smell is men's parfume :mrgreen:
Merlydog said:
To think a year ago I'd have paid someone a small fortune to do all these bits. Much more satisfying to do it yourself I think :D Only downside is how bloody stinky and oily you get. Yuk!

You're still not believing Zed when he says to work on the bus naked are you? :lol:
Merlydog said:
To think a year ago I'd have paid someone a small fortune to do all these bits. Much more satisfying to do it yourself I think :D Only downside is how bloody stinky and oily you get. Yuk!
You are a big mechanical success mate. :) I'm proud of you - there's no stopping you now - it's just nuts and bolts eh? :)

MD was my customer once, but like all of them I try my best to make them mend their own buses. :lol:
ZedBed said:
Merlydog said:
To think a year ago I'd have paid someone a small fortune to do all these bits. Much more satisfying to do it yourself I think :D Only downside is how bloody stinky and oily you get. Yuk!
You are a big mechanical success mate. :) I'm proud of you - there's no stopping you now - it's just nuts and bolts eh? :)

MD was my customer once, but like all of them I try my best to make them mend their own buses. :lol:

Short day at finishing off today. Had a busy week at work and I'm knackered!

So, my last exhaust was a second hand purchase from eBay, was in pretty good nic by the looks of it when it arrived. Oh how wrong was I?! I finally got it finished last weekend, whilst torquing up the bolts to put all the tinware back on I noticed the exhaust had play. Now I'm no expert but know it should be pretty solid. On closer inspection I realised it had an irreparable crack around one of the joints. Gutted! It took me bloody ages to get it all right. Soooo, off with the old and as luck had it someone local to my parents gave me another!! As I was cleaning it down before fitting I found this.


I got a little bit excited thinking it was og but then realised you can buy them like this from heritage. Never mind, it's all nice and solid anyway which is what matters. Cleaned it all up and slapped some VHT paint on it.


Fitted it, needed a little Ozzie hammering!


Found a nice pair of tapered SS pipes from GSF.. Job done!



Now I read a fair bit about fitting a bug exhaust to a bus with varying opinions and difficulties encountered. But as you can see I had no problems with clearance of either the support bar, valance or bumper. Well happy with the look, sounds lovely and ideal for those low buses!!

I also fitted a new engine-valance seal, real good quality from megabug and wider than the crappy one I had fitted before. Bit of grease down the rusty valance groove and job done!
Good work as usual MD! Shame about the ebay purchase. Have you contacted the seller? Hopefully they will be god enough to reimburse you at least some of the cost of the item :)

I have a beetle back box on mine too and yeah, I reckon it sounds a bit lush too!

What are your pipes from GSF like? Mine are p*ss poor to be honest but I needed some sharpish at some point and they were local and cheap enough.

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