I used rust proof hammerite (smooth white) on the cargo floor and sides. I put this down in this area in a hope that it will stop any moisture from turning to rust once its covered with panels, flooring, units etc.
For the top half inside and out, I might use (diamond white) which is a similar colour in cellulose and seems to go quite well wth the (lemongel) colour Im planning to do on the bottom half.
Bit of an update, been busy trying to clean, prep, and paint the interior first. Finding this difficult due to the inclement weather conditions at the moment, and having a cold.
Everytime I move alfie onto the driveway there seems to be some strange mystical force that causes a dark rain cloud to suddenly appear from nowhere followed by a sudden Torrential down pour. This then seems to stop the moment I pack up and move him back into the garage. :roll:
So now having given up with this rain game, decided to try and do as much as possible in my tiny garage to keep dry.
Also decided to spray the dash the same colour as the bottom half will be outside 8)
Think it looks better than the black colour it was before
My Dad bought me this little electric sprayer to do the interior with. I was so impressed by the finish (not bad considering it only cost £52. 99 from Argos) so i decided to give the roof a go with it.
I am quite pleased with the result for a first attempt. Needs a few more coats yet though.
mate what type of rag top do u have there. im looking @ put one in my 72 lowlight. i have one in my bay DC... but want a bigger view of the sky :lol:
cheers matty