So as ever the lowering bug had been further nibbling away at me and so I thought I would take it one stage at a time as there were several things I wanted doing. so I figured I would do them one at a time. The bus was taken to Evil Bens in Cornwall a earlybay member and friend, godbus ( Paul Aucott ) now works there.
So the bus arrived and in true style several things wrong were found with it before the work was even started,
So several small jobs were sorted out such a new steering idler pin, repair to one of the mounts on the engine case which had threaded. and a couple of other things.
Also decided to get sorted the one rust hole on my bus which I had been meaning to sort for 18 months and never got round to it
So whilst the engine mount was being sorted I was talked into having the engine support bar modified whilst it was out, then following some hard sell, an engine and gearbox raise was sold to me. Not got many photos of the raise but here are a couple of the engine support bar and underneath
So then with the budget blown I was then sold that the front should be notched. Health warning here, images of MAN NOTCHES are attached
so then I was told that to make the most of these then this had to happen,
The previous owner had tubbed just the drivers side of my bus so now at least both sides will be done
So it went into have maybe some tubs or something and ended up with
Engine and gearbox raise
modified engine support bar
Man notches up front
Tubbed arches.
Work still ongoing was going to wait until i got it back for the update but following arrival of the photos i got far to excited and could not hold it any longer ( a common problem in my life )
Another long update but more exciting than the last. Cant wait for the next instalment
for god sake don't tell the wife otherwise im f*@ked. Chrsitmas is off in my household turns out santa likes slammed sunroof deluxes :msn4: