so i pull's up at the house i'm collecting them from, it was a farm with a farm track :? so after i levelled that out with the bumper i arrived. Right then how many of you are they ? george (my nephew) 7, what :shock: **** it jump in, the farm track was even more fun 8 up :lol: on the way there i gave the boys some words of wisdom. "Now then lads you will deffently get laid tonight arriving in this bad boy" speach over micheal jackson was turned up full again :roll: we arrived at pride park, there was a car park full of limos and boys and girls all doll up outside. will the klaxon on the go and round way round the turning circle so the doors where on the right side, guess who everyone was looking at 8) job done and photos to follow.
the old girl proberly wasn't to keen on being 8 up in this heat travelling through towns, all the dash light now stay on when i turn the ignistion off
I took my daughter and her mates to her 6th form prom in mine the other year .. Just couldn't resist the klaxon outside .. next to the pink hummers and white limo's ..