My portuguese 69 bay

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
Portugal, Porto
Hi there.
Im Diogo from Porto, Portugal and i have my 69 bay since 2007.... i have been visiting this forum for quite a while but only now i decided to post some pics of my van... she is not in a very good shape. i have tried to fix some she is being fixed...
pictures coming now...




after 3 times she passed the first MOT


the interior was horrible when i bought her. Jeans all over the place.. I took everything out and the seats were in nice condition,sort of...


the engine look ok (im a newbie in mechanic ). Last year it died.. for good...


she has this beautiful open roof...its ssso amazing, specially when it rains... have to try and fix it...


this is when i bought her.. it didnt start so i had to push her to my fathers house. luckly i bought her 5 minutes walking from my fathers house.




this curtains are no longer in the van. i made tham but they were soo noisy and not very pratical...

After 1 year or 2 the sliding door felt like 2 times. so i decided to get my hands durty...


i painted the place were the rubber is placed



This is the glove box door. its metal and of course it had jeans fabric glued on it... painted blue, like the van


During this work, the van was stopped for 2 or 3 months. when i finish everything, i wanted to go for a ride... took her out of the garage and the engine went temperamental and broke down... it died on me... had to rebuilt it...

this is a video of the van working with the rebuilt engine
# months ago, i was talking with some friends and we decided to go for a euro tour with the van. me and my friends are part of a band in porto, for students, and we sing some popular portuguese and spanish songs... so we decided to play in some restaurant here in porto to make money to get the van perfect for this trip in august....We will also play along the trip.. Gasoline price is high and we are all poor student, we need to get some money...
soo after many nights spent singing, we collected some money to get the van fixed.. I needed to restore the chassis, the front brakes, a leak in the gearbox, some electrical problems and others that i dont remember...
so i took a van to a great garage in portugal, quite far from porto, but they are great really..." onclick=";return false;
here are the pictures of that trip.






And now some chassis pics. the van is now fixing it...these are the last pics...





If you want to visit the blog of the trip, where we talk about everything...
here it is with facebook page and youtube channel...
feel free to give me advice for things to take or places to visit. we will go to visit the portuguese, spanish and french south coast...
and if we can italy coast...
the initial idea was to go to sziget festival in hungary, but its too far... so then we decided to go to turkey but is also too far... then greece. but i thin italy is more realist... i hope. i will visit some erasmus friends along the way..." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

I will try to keep u posted on news....
Hi Melod and welcome :mrgreen:

Like the story of your van - only 5 minutes from your dad's house so you could push it :lol:

Looks like you have a nice project bus there so please keep us updated ;)
Welcome Melod , nice van , i too have a 69 bay , Number plate was IL - 69 - 90 , could you tell me anything about where it would have been registered as i notice your numberplate is nearly the same
Grazy said:
Welcome Melod , nice van , i too have a 69 bay , Number plate was IL - 69 - 90 , could you tell me anything about where it would have been registered as i notice your numberplate is nearly the same

Hi van still needs a lot of work... i cannot tell you that, because in Portugal we dont have specific license plate number for one city or region. they are random... only if you have the original papers of the van...
Grazy said:
Welcome Melod , nice van , i too have a 69 bay , Number plate was IL - 69 - 90 , could you tell me anything about where it would have been registered as i notice your numberplate is nearly the same
the grey panel looking good 8)
license plates in Portugal nowadays follow a sequence. in the '50s the center numbers indicated the year. for what I recall started in XX-18-## (not sure if the first was 18) in first decade year, then XX-19-##, XX-20-## (you get it). besides that, letters were specific to a city (OP/TO to Oporto, for example)

after that, from the '60s to early '90s letters were given randomly to a specific year, that's why yours are almost sequel

that's one way to tell the year of a car (if everything is ok with papers/chassis number or not an imported bus), and the specifications of the model itself, of course

from early '90s to 2004/2005 license plates were ##-##-XX, since then ##-XX-##

I've been gathering photos of VW aircooled buses with portuguese license plate (around 800)" onclick=";return false;
not finished yet

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