My take on Billing

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
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I set out from Ipswich at about half past eight Saturday morning and made my way here

I met Paul ( Puppy ) and Matt and spoke to them about lowering my bus
A few pix



Nice Early outside

Thanks to T2D for making sense to me 8) :wink:

On to Northampton for the BIG meet , I was really looking forward to it and had been for some time :D
I arrived at about 12 ish paid my £13 quid and headed for the VW show

I drove into the field and found 5 or 6 vans :cry: :cry: :? :?
I spoke to EgoTrippin And Rick (rjb63 ) and a few others
I didn`t catch the name of the guy with the white van on blue rims

It was pub o`clock

we had a few beers and went back to the field to find more vans but their occupants had gone to the pub so only one thing to do - Go back :lol:


we then met up with Martay , SK ,Minkytastic, Soysauce3 , Genchy , and Becks , Aaron , Helen and Antony ( cool little fella )
The night was great lots of banter and laughs , Just after i`d finished my JD we called it a night , I settled down to kip in the Panel Van and was out like a light :lol: :lol: :lol:

Headache in the morning but worth it

Slammedkustom & Minkytastic
Genchy & Becks

All in all lots of fun

Mike F also turned up after my camera was put away . Sunday morning he came round to say his goodbyes , then 5 minutes later he was still there , van wouldn`t start :cry:
Cue SK and various others jumping Mikes van off Chris`s
Then an all round improptu workshop in goose **** all had our tail gates up checking oil to which Ego had about 5 chuffing litres in it :lol:

Then we all went home and hope to have a bigger and better EB meet with more people and more vans location was ace but maybe a different time of year as it wasn`t best weather

See you next year kids :D :D :D

Where was Shaggy he LIVES in Northampton :lol:

Pehaps he took Quentin on another holiday :lol:
Sad I missed it :cry:
Glad that those who turned up had a good time!
Hope to see you all one day :wink:
It can only get bigger and bigger! remember all the shows started small. Maybe ill try to be there next year.
it was a great weekend and good to put names to faces.
great photos Grazy, glad you survived your jump from the roof of your van without a parachute !!
journey home was interesting in the wind with the van being blown about across the M1 and M6 !
sorry again I couldnt be there - reckon we should go for the next one well into Spring next year when the weather picks up ... trying and get a bit more a crowd (and some events ?) together ...
Great Pics Grazy, they show it how it was a good get together.

Thanks to all had a great time as my thick head in the morning proved and the added bonus of sparklers and cake......mmmmmmmmmm.

Good to meet you all and will do again soon hopefully.

Gutted I missed it :cry: be there next year, as long as I dont buy anymore dubs! :wink:
easy said:
Gutted I missed it :cry: be there next year, as long as I dont buy anymore dubs! :wink:

Yeah dude although you got a Bad Ass notch it`s no bloody excuse son :lol:

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