:shock: The battery is on charge hence voltage, as to the loom i've gone for another ecu which comes with the lot which hopefully should be here end of this week then mapped on the 25th of this month :?
Wont be trying to start it though until it gets mapped as all the sensors need to be set up but thats being done on the 25th,
Also finished rad ducting now h/brake cables been fitted but i'm thinking about putting some mesh over it to protect it a bit,
Power steering all plumbed in and wired up (ehps) works well to just a bit noisey but i'll only be using it for parking,
Well it runs at last, only trouble is theres a but and that is the Tps (throttle position sensor) is'nt connecting to the ecu,
Basically meaning that it'll only tick over and wont rev,
So Bob Rawle is coming back to try a few other things and i've got to do some wire checking before he comes back,
It does sound sweet though even on tick over
Just can't wait to hear that turbo whine
so when d'you think you'l have this baby ready for shows again, any idea?
cant wait to look around this bus in the flesh.
Its so close to being legendary :mrgreen:
Just had Bob Rawle out again and still no go
Have modded wiring as suggested cause tumble valves needed to be wired in series and bob had some different software to map it with,
Now the throttle body is throwing up errors,
so link need to look at the rom files taken from ecu to decide what is wrong,
But it looks like throttle body to me? But most of this mapping **** goes over my head anyway!!
Hopefully at the worst i'll need to replace the throttle body then get it mapped but who knows when this will happen??
How long is a peice of string??? :x