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'spit nolan' - where are the pic's - we need pic's :p

(Just saw the pics in another thread so soz :oops: )

Oh and welcome :D
me is an new person at this electric chat place. i are the owning man of an volkswagen second type originating from the year of jesus christ 1971.
have a banana
Phooey said:
me is an new person at this electric chat place. i are the owning man of an volkswagen second type originating from the year of jesus christ 1971.
have a banana

You sounds perfick for this wavey site - howdy doody man :lol:
Phooey said:
me is an new person at this electric chat place. i are the owning man of an volkswagen second type originating from the year of jesus christ 1971.
have a banana

I like it!!! 8)

Welcome fella, nice to have you with us!

i'm in!been perusing for a few weeks,i'm new to computers!i own a 71 devon moonraker tin top and have done for the last 15 years.
Richard said:
i'm in!been perusing for a few weeks,i'm new to computers!i own a 71 devon moonraker tin top and have done for the last 15 years.

Hi Richard,

Glad you've signed up to the forum - have you got any pictures of your bus for the gallery?

[/img]please work!
Cheers,its the picture i have on canvas.kinda looks like a toy car don't she
?!only digi image i have tho.front grill and original indicaters are coming back one day,my taste has changed since i got her on the i resize at photobucket?

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