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Evening all,

New to earlybay. I have a hankering for a westfalia van next year. Went from a desire for a T25 to a T4 but now, being a glutton for punishment, thinking T2.

Currently have a Caterham, Mercedes 500 SEC and BMW - so a van can't hurt!

Spent my life missing VW opportunites. My aunt's Beetle went to the scrapper after 5 years standing - it was my escape between the age of 7-12. In 1992 a copy of Volksworld wowed me with a chopped, M&M green Beetle. Missed an opportunity when my uncle (no relation of the aunt) gave away his fairly solid Devon camper........

Anyhow, thinkg of a US van if the dollar goes back to 2:1. Not a fan of patina but it is growing on me. VW Camper & Bus staple reading now.......

That is it. Will pop back when I find a van.

Hello bud,, keep your eyes open but don`t leave it too long, there might not be too many left over there ! We seem to be collecting them over here ! :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, :mrgreen:
Hi Irish,

Welcome and all that!
I don't suppose that it was my old chop that you were wooed by back in the day?
If so here's a pick of the bug!
Good morning, just thought I'd say hi. New to the forum which I stumbled on via another forum luckily. This forum seems to have a ton of info, so looking forward to trawling through. I'm currently looking for an early Bay, not got a lot of money to spend ( about 4k ) so it will probably take a while as I want a running one to work on. Anyway will be about so see you on the board.
Hey Tequila,
Welcome on board....take your time and something half decent will crop up!
I'd personally look at an import from the states with your money to avoid the tinworm.
The interior can be a rolling project once you have your Bus.
All the best

Spence :D
Hi All,
This is our newly restored 72 bus which we took delivery of last week. We are very pleased :D :D

Morning all. I've been VW-less for about 5 years, when I had to accept that with the arrival of kids our '63 Beetle was simply not getting any use. We've camped regularly for the last couple of years, [kids are now 3 and 8], and had got to the point of wanting something bigger like a T4 or T5 to cart all the paraphernalia around in. Luckily, old friends' recent acquisition of a bay camper has led to some very fruitful family discussions, and it looks as if I might get the early bay that I always wanted... :D
After seeing a few mightily-welded UK busses I'm leaning towards an import; I think a trip up the road to Oxford may be on the cards in the near future...

I had a good look around last night and like the feel of the forum; looking forward to spending too much time here in the future!
bulletproof36 said:
Hi Guys, Nice forum here. I have been a VW fiddler for a while and own a few beetles a late bay van and crewcab. All workhorses and not picture perfect. :? Look forward to the stay.

Welcome and a VW fiddler :shock:

Hope you enjoy your stay and make sure you post plenty of pictures ;)
Hi Marco here, currently own a 2.5i petrol T4 (sorry guys)to cart our 4 kids about. Looking for an earlybay microbus or kombi, would love it to be a twin slider with metal sunroof but realise that's maybe a bit unrealistic. Owned two bays in the past, a '71 dormabile with martin walker poptop and a '74 devon.


Will post photos of bays when I get around to scanning them.
Hi, I've been loitering on Early Bay for a while so I thought i should say Hi and introduce our van....Hi!!! and here's our van.
We've had her for just over 10 years, when we found her she was brown and gold and had been sat in a guys garage for 15 years on bricks. She is used daily and is well and truly one of the family :D




Hello to all new doods! some lovely vans out there.

Come in, nose around and ask as many questions as you can, there is tons of experts in every field on here so dont be shy 8)
Afternoon all.

Me and the wife have decided to take the plunge and now the proud owners of a 72 bus. Now this is going to cause a few comments I'm sure as the bus we've brought is a fleetline camper conversion. I've been looking at some old posts on here and actually found some pictures of her. I don't think she's to everyone's taste but we love her. Were complete novices when it comes to buses but I've been getting oily since I was 3 (My Dad was a right Grease Monkey) I'm currently coming to the end of a Lotus Carlton Resto. So I'm pretty handy with the spanners but I've never worked on a aircooled motor before. So I'll apologise in advance for all the numpty questions I'm bound to ask. Looking forward to getting to know ya all better and learning all about oily bits of the bus. I'll leave the interior to the wife!!!! Plan is to enjoy the summer with her then I'll start tinkering. Fancy some twin carbs and a nice zaust. I can't leave nothing alone :oops: Even the LC has been tweaked as if that didn't have enough ponies under the bonnet already!!! Well that's enough for now. Speak soon.

Oooh, a lotus carlton, can't be many left now?. A guy near us has one, I sorted him out with some parts when I worked in a Vauxhall dealership. Would you believe a bloke in another dealership told him to scrap it as parts aren't available anymore!!!

Just thouught i'd introduce myself properly, having already asked a question in the technical bit.

I'm James and have just bought a 72 dormobile (pic below). Its my first camper, and we (my better half and I) bought it to allow us to drop a gear or two at weekends following a pretty trying year for one reason and another.

Anyway, we've been out in it three weekends so far and appart from a broken ignition switch, a broken horn (now fixed), a broken window winder mechanism and an expired bulb in the oil light (now fixed), we haven't had any problems!!! (from what i've read we seem to be doing pretty well in comparison... :lol: :lol: :lol: ).

The bus seems to be in pretty good order, with a relatively new engine and good paintwork / interior, so hopefully you'll find me mainly on the general board and i won't be asking too many technical questions :roll: :roll:




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