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Hi Everyone,
I'm not that new to EarlyBay (have been reading and studying in the background for some time), but have finally decided to say "hi". So there you go. If I've done this correctly, of course.
Vital statistics are: 1968 Kombi undergoing complete restoration, no pics on this laptop which I can submit, but if there were any, it would show a primer-coated body - and a lot of work still to come.
I'm in South Derbyshire and keen to understand how to view/populate the map of EarlyBay members which I've seen referenced but can't find. However, I have discovered the 1950s diner which has been frequented by some EarlyBay members, though there were none there on Saturday! Probably have a ton of questions still to come!
Cuban Breeze.
Ok great info and pics on this site....this is all new to me I live In Wellington New Zealand. Just picked up my first bus a 1971 with a pop top of sorts would like some help with knowing what I have bought. I will try and get some pictures and M plate details asap..... :D ...more to follow


Cuban Breeze said:
Hi Everyone,
I'm not that new to EarlyBay (have been reading and studying in the background for some time), but have finally decided to say "hi". So there you go. If I've done this correctly, of course.
Vital statistics are: 1968 Kombi undergoing complete restoration, no pics on this laptop which I can submit, but if there were any, it would show a primer-coated body - and a lot of work still to come.
I'm in South Derbyshire and keen to understand how to view/populate the map of EarlyBay members which I've seen referenced but can't find. However, I have discovered the 1950s diner which has been frequented by some EarlyBay members, though there were none there on Saturday! Probably have a ton of questions still to come!
Cuban Breeze.

are you going to dubfreeze at the weekend
Doris said:
Welcome! We love pictures ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

here we go then, now that I think I've mastered photobucket!

Pictures are from vwcamper co, where it's still sitting having a few bits done before I pick it up. Certainly nothing special and I'm no fan of the two tone paintjob, but appears to be solid and mostly complete as far as I can tell - plan is to keep it looking pretty standard, perhaps a mild lowering job (I'm a bit old to be in something that's scraping the floor, and we've got speed bumps between us and the proper roads!), a refresh of the interior and, I think, a new motor at some point.

This is as it was when it left the boat, so a polish and change of wheels / tyres (still standard) will hopefully help.

Cheers, Mark


Hello all......
I'm new to EarlyBay.
Haven't got a van at the moment so I'm hanging around here looking out for one to get for me and the kids to enjoy weekends away. Not new to the VW scene as I had a 1959 splitscreen many years ago and made the mistake of selling him :(
Can't wait to get back into it all :mrgreen:
Ewaaa said:
Hi there people I'm new to the forum and am looking forward to using it and joining in my bus is a 1970 dormobile which I've had since summer 2011 which replaced my much loved t25 Currently in a lovely shade of matt brown with a cream top a little ratty and cream is sanded through in a few places also slammed to the weeds

ahhhhhh :D
Hi all,

My name is Dan. I live and work in Cornwall and this is the first forum I've joined.
I've been lurking on EarlyBay for about three years since getting my first bay, but
as it is a late bay I thought I might be shunned :) Its pretty cool though, Narrow beam,
big beam raise, etc, I can post a few pics if anyone is interested. However the
reason for joining now is that I've just bought a '72' crossover. (hope that counts, I
can post pictures only taken from the front if that helps :) ) Lots of OG paint, some welding to do
but nothing too major, I'm going to keep it completely stock. (for the time being)
Hope everyone enjoys seeing the progress, I will start posting pics tomorrow.
If less is more, just think how much more, more is
There are no hard and fast rules for the new dudes so don`t panic :mrgreen: And welcome to all of you, and that`s a big welcome. I`d love to see pics of your `newer bay ' complete with toasters ;) after all they is all ac dubs, you can expect a bit of ribbing though :shock: but I`m sure you can take it. It does sound pretty cool though. Bit of a beam raise you say :?

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, That was a bit of a tease ;) :mrgreen: :lol:
Here is my hello thread," onclick=";return false;
forgot to post here first :?

Cheers rusty.
Hi Everyone! :lol: I'm new here too ,my name is Phil ,i m French and i live in Portugal 8) , I have a 3 early bays 67 /70 /and 72

my 70 :



my name is Bertrand, live in France, Brittany.

new to Earlybay and newbie in the aircooled moove, got a 1972 super beetle ( 1302 ) and looking for an Early Bay for a few month and now i got it : a 1970 Westy to restore.
Hi All

Finally got the bus out to take some pictures in the sun... Here is my new 72 Continental LHD from California.




Im hoping this is how you put the pictures up??

Im still undecided what badge to get but think Im going white.

Really can't wait for it to get a little warmer so I can go camping.

Hi everyone,
my name is Goran and I am from Zagreb,Croatia.I'm in love in old vehicle with aircooled engines.

The first vehicle with aircooled engine is Bettle 1302L that I completely restored.


With 1776 twin carb Weber 40 engine...

The second vehicle with aircooled engine is Vespa PX200 from1982.

The third vehicle with aircooled engine, but perhaps the most important is Westy LHD from 1972 that I introduced in galeriji.Westy is a project called PUMA and I hope that will be on the road till the end of March.

With 1641 engine...

I really like your forum and I found here a lot of useful information.

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