nothing to do with early bay but might still make you drool!

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2010
Reaction score
the bus is now under cover for winter and the leisure battery wrapped up nice and warm in the loft and as i dont have a garage i have turned my tinkering skills to web design for the wife's business

would appreciate any comments on the design as its my first attempt - this isnt a blatent plug for the site (unless you live very locally in which case i probably already know you!)" onclick=";return false;


Well done.
My wife is about to embark on the same journey.
You should be happy with your effort.
lots of luck with her new venture.
wow - very talented wife you have! surprised you found the time to design her website with all that cake around :lol: :lol:

yeah website looks great - all the best of luck :D
Talented wife, a bus under wraps and you can design web pages. You have won life's lottery mate. :D

Love the site. One tiny isn't obvious how to order or what the cakes cost, details of which are tucked away under 'cakes'. Still loving the site so. I must have a biscuit now... :lol:
cheers for the comments, the only trouble is, i can't get the bus lowered and eat loads of cake cos i'll never be able to get underneath it again!!
Those cakes look like the only lowering method I would need - a day or two in the same house and I'd take 3in out of the ride height on my own...

Lovely looking site - classy and effective.

My only comment would be the main intro text box on the home page may be a little too small for the text - I end up with scroll bars both horiz and vert in Firefox and vert in Safari... just an observation.

But a really good job - looks great.

The cakes look fantastic!
As for the website, it does look good but if you don't mind me saying, there are a couple of things you may want to look at.

I see you have created it using WebPlus which is great except that these point and click type web creater applications can quite often create broken code, which will work, but can cause differing views depending on your browser etc. For instance, the main text title on the home page shows as a different font in Firefox to that seen in IE9. Not a major problem admittedly but there may be other problems. Secondly, in both IE9 and Firefox I am seeing on the home page a scrolling frame for the main text, I would suggest you may want to either reduce the text or reduce the text size to get rid of the scrolling frame. A scrolling frame within a scrolling window can be awkward.

If you were to use something like the W3C Markup Validation Service you could check for broken or illegal code and then correct it so to help standardise things for all browsers.

Apart from that mate, it's looking good! Just don't eat all the profits!

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