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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2006
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West Sussex

[rant on]
When driving my bug or my old split (and hopefully my early bay soon enough!) I always try to acknowledge other bug/bus drivers - nothing major or weird - a simple wave, or a flick on the high beams.

Though recently I've found myself being snubbed - mostly by newbie beetle owners - but also by a crossover bay!

I realise that the majority of new beetle owners just "don't get the VW vibe", so expect my greetings to be met with confused looks etc, but when the same reaction is from a fellow air-cooled driver?

Is it just me, or do any others here think "miserable bast@rds!"
[/rant off]


When i bought my bug in liverpool i had to drive to holyhead to get it home. It was as if every other car was honking and waving. I got stuck behind a school bus and at one stop all the kids jumped out and were taking pictures with their mobiles.

Here at home we always flash and wave (the 'cultchie wave', a variation of the VW sign except you display the back of your hand with all your fingers and thumb spread out :lol: , a common sign from farmers and cultchies)
Even classic mini owners and anything over 20 years old seem to always make the effort to say hello.

I have the same issue with new Beetle owners, i used to flash (my headlights :roll: ) but some gave me a dirty look, so i dont anymore. I guess the new owners arent aware of the VW community and that theres great cameradery between owners? maybe its a southern/northern thing?
I used to have a new beetle and i used to wave and flash I got it in 2000 and all the old vw drivers gave me a blank look or snubbed me, now I swaped it for my early I flash new beetle drivers and they snub me, so no win for me.

There are alot of snobs out there most of the time the people that don't wave for flash are the sort of people that just own it to try and be cool, but don't really love what they are driving, and it's not really about being cool.

I wave and flash everything....hahahaha i am such someone will quote that :shock:

I find all vans wave but some beetles seem to be in there own little world but its all cool.
When I had my old '72 bug I used to flash and wave at all air-cooled VW's -and never really got snubbed :D

My crossover hasn't been on the road since I got it, but I still wave to any aircooled VW's I see and rarely get snubbed - win, win!

Shaggy said:
I find all vans wave but some beetles seem to be in there own little world but its all cool.

I few times i missed the cars coming the other way, i tried to flash but nearly went of the road, trying to keep it straight with skinny tires :lol: , scared myself a few times :oops:

i stuck some 205s on the back and 195s up front i have no problem now.
I always do the no worries sign to campers and occassionally to beetles.

This is when i'm a passenger in the wife's Audi A2.

We get some funny looks but most smile back, I guess they presume that the A2 is the daily driver.

We have hawaiin flowers on the rearview mirror and camper stickers on the rear windows so it hopefully half explains it.

I also did the no worries sign out the window of my roadster to an early bay in the summer and got the sign back.
If I am awake enough and notice the VW I will wave at anything aircooled except T25s. T25s, T4s, new beetles have to wave at me first to get a wave back.

Round where I live a lot of T25s are still campers rather than old VWs, so a lot of older non-vw people drive em still, and a few bays too.

On the motorway on sunday I got waved at by a rally spec celica which overtook me despite him doing under 60mph - it looked like a fast machine though :?
WE VW people are a weird bunch of things. I dirve a crossover bay and a new beetle.
In the van i wave and smile at anything old, providing it has has wheels on it :twisted: and most wave back.

T25s look a bit strange at you.

When driving the new beetle try to fash and wave, but just get the, you tosser look back.
Drove the beetle up to vanfest this year and felt very left out seeing all of the flashing going on :shock: when i tried it i just got stared at (could be somhing to do with the size of my ~~~~~~~~~~~~~) :shock:

Have my early bay and username sticker on the rear window of the car so when i fly past they know who i was.
What's with all this waving and flashing - come on, its not the 60's or 70's anymore. :wink:

You should be ignoring everyone and just looking after your self, self, self..... :D

I don't wave to any aircooled VW as my daily is a Focus and by the time I see them,
they have already gone past..................

When I drove my van, I never saw another air VW so again, never got the chance.

Me over now - some one else 'ave a go 8)
Sometimes other drivers do that funny twisty hand thing at me (no worries?). I'm never quick enough to do it back as by the time I've manipulated my fingers into the right position making sure I've moved the right ones so I don't look like a Satanist, the other vehicle has long passed. It's a bit like that old TV show 321. I could neve do that either.
I usually wave or flash. I saw a sticker at a show to put in the back of your Dub saying ´We flash for no apparrent reason`.
ive normally got ultra or Volksworld in the daily, so i wave, or do the hang loose sign, and get the wife to wave a volksworld as we pass :lol:
Remember the first outing in the camper van.
Going along the road towards Brixham from Torquay a Beetle gave me the hang ten sign. Me being Mr numm nuts, not knowing that was the hello sign gave him the TOSSER sign back thinking he was being rude :oops:.
I apologise if that was you.
Should have read the owners manual first, before i was let lose on the road. :D
Round where I live everyone looks at you like a pauper for driving a car which is over 6 months old!!
They just don't get the fact that their cars are just white goods and are disposible and will be a hairdryer in 5 years time.
true dubbers wave because

a: we don't drive euroboxes

b: we have the best car shows

c: we know how to fix an engine in the pissing rain with our fingers and no tools!!
In my bugs no prob


I used to wave like a simpleton at anything that would look at me and got some funny reactions
But when they went and i got my t25 ratter. Now sadly demised I got varied reactions from all and sundry.And some of the strangest was from V-dubbers .Some of whom can be quite snotty :shock:
The two best were a LDV load of skanking fat old builders pulling up beside me at the lights because i was having a retro UB40 moment on the very load system within :shock: :shock: :shock:
But even better was when i roared up beside a t25 carravelle giving it a full on DUUDE !!!!! Horns in the air and everything :roll: (like a right ********).Only to be confronted by a truely scared looking bunch of MORMONITES !!! :lol: :lol:
By the way the 25 in question looked like this



I'd like to clarify that there is no such thing as the 'No Worries' wave. The original hand sign, featuring outstretched thumb and pinky finger is an invention of the Californian surfer scene in the 1960's actually called the 'Hang Loose' or just 'Hangy'.

When Aussies caught the surfer bug and started to emulate the American surfer, they adopted the hand sign and attached their laid back 'No Worries' remark to it- which they actually got from Jamaicans.

I own an EB and a T25. Everybody waves etc when I'm in the T2 but, almost noone returns a wave when I'm in the T25, not even T2s. I guess it's just not old enough yet :(
I tend to wave at any Vdub of the air cooled variety and normally get a wave back, I also drive a 1961 Sunbeam Alpine and wave at other classic sports cars etc and of course the Vdubbers, I find that 'wavers' generally tend to stick to their own type of vehicle though strangely enough the most 'no worries' signs that I get around my way when im driving the bus are from 2CV drivers :shock: I guess we are cast from the same stone.
I generally just wave at aircooled veedubs and almost all of them wave back. The ones that haven't tend to be old people that are obviously just into the camping thing and think that I'm gesturing something that equates to "get off the road you daft old fart". Not that I would ever do that, I think old people are ace.

I also wave to anyone when my hubby is driving, I lean over and wave above the steering wheel so people think it's him that's waving. He does it to me too but he also likes waving at people at lights etc to pretend he knows them and occasionally mouthing "call me" whilst making a phone symbol with his hand to his ear.

Hee, hee I may have to go and wave at people just for fun!

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