Rain in rear vents...

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2013
Reaction score
Hi everyone, so after a lot of work (lots more still to do) we had our first weekend in the lakes in our van. Despite the torrential rain it was great fun. However I came away with a few questions. One of which was how do you experienced owners protect against the rain that comes in through the rear vents and gathers in the battery trays?

It wasn't puddles, but very damp. Is there a way to protect against this and avoid the dreaded rust?

Many thanks!
should have drain holes there unless its been changed due to rust the heat from the engine and forced air when driving normaly dries it out just another qwirk of the t2 built in rust traps :lol:
Not a lot you can do to stop the water getting in, but you can ensure the drain holes are clear and you have plenty of waxoyl, or similar, round that area.
I wouldn't worry about it too much, as above the engine temperature will get rid of most of it.

Worry too much and you won't even get it out in the rain, then before you know it your a splitty owner!

Evenstar3019 said:
I wouldn't worry about it too much, as above the engine temperature will get rid of most of it.

Worry too much and you won't even get it out in the rain, then before you know it your a splitty owner!

tis true i was in a dark place before my bay now im all :lol: right
Ha! Thanks for these great replies chaps! I'll just crack on with wax oyl and enjoy it!


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