I think they all take it in turns to be rubbish. And they all take it in turns to be great. :mrgreen:
If you break down on a busy weekend such as a bank holiday in the summer when they are under pressure, then you could be waiting a long time to get your big yellow taxi ride home. But if on the other hand, you are one of a few to break down, then they’ll all be brill and at your beck and call in ten to twenty minutes :mrgreen:
If you let them know that you’re in a safe place like a nice cosy car park, then you’ll get pushed to the back of the queue repeatedly until they’ve nothing left to do then they’ll come and get you :shock: ask me how I know :roll: If however you let them know that you’re broken down on a nasty bend, plus there are children in the vehicle, and a lady plus some elderly folks, then you will be picked up as quickly as earthly possible
I waited for several hours one time, possibly six or more as my memory is wrinkled nowadays, I was eventually picked up by an independent. He had been twiddling his thumbs virtually all afternoon and evening, waiting for the big three to become completely swamped and then they’d pass the work over to them to help. He asked why I even bothered with the big three, because we all know it’s just an insurance policy and they all make big bucks from it. I might consider not renewing next time, and ‘’’IF’’’ I break down, just google an independent breakdown truck and just get home quick quick quick :mrgreen: Over the years, I’m guessing that I’d be quids in if I’d done this, and I reckon the couple of times that I did need a breakdown truck, I wouldn’t have been waiting for half my life for the big yellow taxi. If you have cover with one of the biggies and it’s free of charge with something else, then that’d be different maybe :mrgreen:
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, we don’t break down,, do we ??? :mrgreen: