Selling Original Fittings

Early Bay Forum

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May 28, 2009
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I'm undecided as yet whether to restore my original Danbury interior, which is in a fair condition but a bit on the basic side, or go for a remodel based on a mixture of the best ideas from other types (I'm a cabinetmaker by trade so it's well within my scope).
What I'm wondering is if I decide to jetison the Danbury fittings, what are they likely to fetch, or rather, what is a sensible price to ask?
Hi Jargonking.

Genarlly I've seen Danbury interiors go for anything between the £200-£400 mark, depending upon condition, but I've seen higher still, on occasion, on ebay. As Danburys had a very 'removable' type of interior, many have lost their interiors or parts of their interiors over the years, and quite a few owners are out there searching for bits to restore their vans back to original spec.


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