Shiplee' s 1969 California westy

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Plates arrived today

I got the front fitted

Prob would have got the back ones on as well but my helping hand kinda slowed me up a little!

Guess this means I can finally take the family out in her maybe at the weekend :)
Thoughts are now turning towards the interior.
Gonna sort cupboards and finishing touches .
Also gotta sort a tow bar.
Will look forward to slowing up on the spending tbh :lol:
Such a lovely bus mate, you must be proud,

Coming on leaps and bounds as well It looks epic, well done
Thanks guys
Bus is finally coming along nicely I must admit!
Had a bit of a low a couple of months ago because it felt like I had nothing but problems.
I'd spend shed loads of cash on nothing but trouble!
The plonker I purchased it from had cut corners putting it back together so we had to basically check everything and replace the bits he had done wrong !

Also I needed to get it on the road before our 3rd child as I knew things would get really tough and time would b limited !

Most issues are sorted now ! Just a couple of minor things . I guess I should b proud how far I've got with it considering what I've had to do and the hassles and issues I've had during the last several months.

No thanks to the knob who sold me the bus(kerian Harper of overdrive classics Milton Keynes )

It's a good bus now but ended up costing me maybe £1500 more than expected!
Never trust a seller unless u know him!

Never mind it's all ok now!

Today I got my tax disc through the post so will defiantly try get out in the bus this weekend !

Can't wait to get using it and getting to some shows !
Today I received another replacement key
I've purchased a couple of keys from this chap on eBay
Just find the code on the lock and pay £5
Two days later you get your replacement key and both keys I've purchased have fitted nicely

Today I also received a smev sink for my bus.

I've been debating for the last few months if to purchase an original westy sink cupbord and buddy seat or go bespoke?

In an ideal world I'd love a completely og westy , but my bus is never gonna b that!

I need a full width rear seat to carry the 3 kids. So I can't fit a original westy interior.
And It's had a full respray ( so never gonna b og ) so I decided I may as well go with it and do my own thing inside!

Having said that I'm gonna base my interior on the original westy setup.
Sink unit near the sliding door , buddy seat and table on the wall. I'm gonna keep this all in wood matching the conternental bed upstairs !

Look who I'm booked in to visit next Friday :)

Mat balls gonna give my westy a bit of a tickle with the lowering stick ... Can't wait :mrgreen:" onclick=";return false;

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