Don’t do it bud, they’re somewhere between very dangerous and lethal. If you really want a ladder, cough up and got a cheapso surveyors ladder, the telescopic type. You’ll get one for less than fifty quid and you can then put it up with a slight rake straight onto the roof rack. The reason they’re so danger mouse, is because the don’t go past the point of contact so have nowhere to grip once you’re past head height, they’re almost vertical, and your feet can’t get a decent grip on the rungs because your toes are way tooooo close to the bodywork. The other thing that I thought might be fairly safe apart from nothing to hold on to, If you had a small set of ally steps, just two or three rungs and some sort of hinged landing type thing that flopps over onto the arch next to the seat to give you a platform to stand on, but you would need fairly level ground and not too brill for the rear rack, a bit like a work platform on large step ladders. Or, something like a Rusty Lee buddy seat that attached to the side of the seat frame and just had some rungs off of it to make a ladder up to it. The surveyors ones are great but a lot heavier than you think, I’ve got one here that you can try if you like :mrgreen: Another idea perhaps, same as the buddy sear style ^^^ I mentioned up there, but instead of linking with the wheel arch with the door open, make it to hook over the tyre, then you could use it front and rear and any side too :? maybe
How did you get on with those new seats ?
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,just thoughts :mrgreen: