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Good on you, trust me I stopped a few years ago now and I have never looked back.

Hang in there it really is worth it :D
dub boy said:
NO more i hope ,48 hrs plus without one :D

'No more I hope'.???????

Be positive fella, 'No more FULL STOP'

Kicked the habit a few years ago myself, best thing I've ever done.

What worked for me was to set lots of small goals, an hour, two hours, a morning, a day etc etc. Each goal achieved meant there was more and more time since being that weak pathetic excuse for a man who last smoked a filthy disgusting cigarette.
Make it to a month and you've cracked it big time, minimum effort needed then! :D
I figured that if I gave in after a day, then I would have to start again with the hour, 2 hours etc. Get to a week and then have to start again after a whole week with the 1 hr, 2 hr etc is just unthinkable.
Please stick to it mate, it's far from easy, but each goal is an achievement and the more goals reached the easier it becomes.
Bugger any drugs, the fantastic feeling of gradually beating this foul habit give one of the best 'highs' you can get!!!!

Keep on it and keep us up to date. Remember, if you fall by the wayside we will all know now........ ;)
Well done fella. Im on 30 days off them now. 20 a day for almost 18 years and now none, feels good and i have suddenly noticed a much healthier bank balance :smile:

Keep it up !!

Sent from my GT-I9100
you can do it and like it was already stated,,,,more beer money, much better for the health. I stopped back in 1970, so it is a long gone concern, wish my son would sto....
Well done for giving up, its been five years for me now and i can honestly say i dont miss it at all, never even think about it doesnt matter how stressed, it doesnt even bother me being around people who smoke. I did have some help though i must admit, my wife bought me the Alan carr book "stopping the easy way" (not the comedian) and i read it out of spite thinking it was bs......well it only bloody re programed my brain and turned me into a non smoker!

id say good luck but you dont need it, you are now a non smoker.............................p.s you dont stink anymore and you have more cash to spend on your bus :D

Dude, didn't know you'd given up. If had known I would have encouraged, I gave up over a year ago. Not the first time I tried but this time it was different for various good reasons and have not wanted to go back, ever.

Keep up the good work, one day, one hour at a time. Keep busy is my motto.
For me it is all about breaking the routine and association with smoking. I gave up by accident, not planned at all. I got an iFag and just use that to take the edge off when I have had a few beers and will cut that out shortly as well.
Good luck fella, when you start to feel repulsed by the smell of smoke on people them you have broken the back of it.

Sent from my GX64 SatCom phone using Tapatalk
What they said :D

Hmmm ... I'm across the pond in Canada and wonder how smoking habits have changed in general around the globe. Here smoking has long been on a steep decline and it's actually not very common anymore. Smoking is banned from most workplaces, restaurants and even public parks. What's it like where you are?

If I may share something I recently heard a, now clean, drug addict say that helped them...

giving up for good seems like trying to eat the elephant whole, just don't have one 'today'..

So long as you take each day, one at a time, and don't have a cigarette 'today' you'll be almost guarranteed success!

Keep it up fella.. I gave up a few years back now.. just one thing I can't stand to be near anymore...... yep, you guessed it, smokers! :lol: :lol:
vwcanuck said:
What they said :D

Hmmm ... I'm across the pond in Canada and wonder how smoking habits have changed in general around the globe. Here smoking has long been on a steep decline and it's actually not very common anymore. Smoking is banned from most workplaces, restaurants and even public parks. What's it like where you are?

In the UK, smoking is banned in all indoor public places, including pubs and clubs, sports stadiums, etc etc..

Outdoor smoking is still OK, but for how long?

There is talk of making it illegal to smoke in a car carrying children.. but how they'd police that I'll never know!
Dub Boy, good man . Little story that might help you ;)

I spent months working on my bus with filler dust and paint fumes but always used a mask. I got a chest infection so when to the quack for some antibiotics.
The doctor told me I had emphycema but I said surely not , just a bit of dust in my lungs.
Two doctors were convinced it was emphacema. ( google it - it will scare the shit out of you )
I kept the news to myself for weeks trying to find the right words to tell my Mrs.
There are no right words. She was distraught and devasted ! I still had to break the news to my family. This was the hardest thing I've ever had to do!
All the time I was thinking to myself what a complete wanker I was to have smoked for so long even though we are reminded to stop every day.

Luckily for me it was a misdiagnosis. After 4 months of tests and X-Rays I was given the all clear.

Although I had given up smoking three years before this it just goes to show how you always think it's the other guy that gets the problems. I could be you , stop now and give yourself a chance, please .

There are thousands of people out there who have not been as lucky as me, my apologies to anyone this may touch a nerve with.

Bit heavy I know, but if it helps it's worth it ....
thanks for all your support guys .i still havnt had a fagg but i am useing my electronic one but they on the lowest dose you can get (even the docs are telling peeps to use them) i hope to be off this in a cupple more weeks,not really useing it alote .the wife and kids have been great,over the last seven years we both put alot of weight on to the point that 18 months ago i failed a medical for my job (ime 45 this year by the way)so i love my wife now what size she is but i really worry bowt her health,she has asmha .so she is doing well on her diet as part of the deal but i have now lost 5 stone, i thought i dont drink, i do spend money on the bus but that is kinda for all of us so have decided to take up bodybuilding wich i use to do in my early twenties, the money saved from fags pays for gym membership job done .i have to say i never thought i would give up the fags as i have smoked since i was 14 :shock: but i am gunna stick with it as i would love my good lady to feel good about herself again and to feel fit .

cheers again all
Keep going Dubboy, i gave up over 25 years ago and still clean. its well worth it.Put the money you used to spent on fags into a savings account and then when youve got enough treat yourself to a holiday. Its another good incentive watching that cash build up. It worked for me. Good on ya mate.
Well done bud - keep going - my father in law was diagnosed on xmas day with inoperable lung cancer due to smoking. He's way too young to die so was my uncle and grandad and they both smoked too. It was enough to make me stop. Got to be worth it in the long run
thanks for support guys,just finished an hour half work out and i cant believe how much easier it has got over the last two weeks ,i was so out of breath when smokeing and trying to do anything .i dont know much about the tests done but its simple that giveing up is good for you but was told there is a graph that shows how your body repairs after stopeing ?????????.
thanks again for support again and i am haveing my weekly treat tomorrow A COLD BEER :D

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