Speed Limit...............

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2010
Reaction score
Just throwing this one out there.
What is the correct speed limit for a bus on A roads etc??

I have a friend who has just been stung 6 points and what amounts to £398 for doing "77 in a 50 zone??"

Basically it was around Yeovil on an A road where it splits into two lanes effectively making a Dual Carriageway,the vehicle of choice was a Renault Trafic.
Now he admits he was speeding by 7mph but the powers that be have said although it was the National speed limit the two lanes does not mean the limit was 70mph but 60mph,also that because he was in a van his top speed should of been 50mph max making him 27mph over the limit.
He contacted his boss who said the van should not be governed to 50mph on A roads and they also checked with the Manufacturer and apparently "not limited" so they tried to contest but admitted defeat where he was clobbered for doing 27mph over.

I know it is long winded but finally my question is is if he is limited to 50mph on A roads does that mean all type 2's are aswell?
What about Motorhomes?

I very rarely get above 55mph on A roads and then try to sit at 60mph on Mways until i hit a head wind or a hill :lol: :lol:

Joking aside what is the legal limit for a Type 2 on A roads.
Been wondering myself too lately..
I know the limit for vans is; 70- motorway, 60- dual carriageway a roads and 50- single lane a roads because my work gave us stickers for our transits and warned us about speeding! Didn't know before that :roll:
panel vans (no side windows ) 50 as classed as goods vehicle,micro bus with windows 60 .

dave------------ being carfull on the A roads as if.
67panel said:
panel vans (no side windows ) 50 as classed as goods vehicle,micro bus with windows 60 .

dave------------ being carfull on the A roads as if.

This ^^^

https://www.gov.uk/speed-limits" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Motor homes/ campers under 3.05 tonnes same as a car
Panel van , single cabs, double cabs etc classed as a good vehicle so lower

This is one of the perks why guys with t4/t5's go through the process of changing their vehicles 'class' to motor home/camper being able to use car speed limits :mrgreen:
As above, plus two lanes either side doesn't mean dual carriageway. Central reservation means dual carriageway, as in two separate roads, or separated by more than paint. In theory a single carriageway could have eight lanes.

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What has been said above by various folks is spot on.

I got done 3 years ago on what I thought was a dual carriageway, but due to no central reservation, it was a national '60' speed limit. Althought that was a genuine mistake, the unmarked car that got me was speeding themselves, so the fact that I was overtaking was grounds to give me 3 points, despite having no idea of my actual speed. Bit of a bitter pill to swallow, but then had they known my actual speed, I doubt I'd have kept my licence... just got given a ticket for 80. :(
Davydomes said:
the unmarked car that got me was speeding themselves

But surely we all know.............the laws DON'T APPLY TO THEM! :evil:

As I said, it was a bitter pill to swallow and I had to bite my tongue - as realistically I got away lightly; plus it wouldn't have helped the situation to point this out!! :lol:

Does seem a little unfair - do as I say, not as I do springs to mind... :roll:
had to attend a speed awairness course two years ago for doing 57 in a 60 single carageway driving a toyota hilux with trailer for work, so classed as comercial (we also have tachographs fitted as well for towing( only needed if towing for hire or reward)) so should have only been doing 50, my fault but since then just tootle around at 50,
mate had a t4 pannel he semi converted but he always said he had to keep speed down as classed as comercial,
my bus is classed as a 7 seater microbus hopefully that comes under standard car rules (but them again i just cruise around in it )

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