Ozziedog, I see you love these stories of ‘What have we done?’ I drove ours in the same manner as most of the above stories. Windscreen wipers flapping about because they hadn’t been tightened on the front nuts enough. No heat exchangers so frozen to the core, and the stink of petrol because I’d filled her up in preparation to get from Worcester to West Wales coz someone told me it would do about 15 miles to a gallon (I didn’t really believe them, but after a few fill ups it realised about 18 mpg and added oil cost too). A petrol smell makes you think you’re gonna blow up! Filling her up led to the petrol smell coming from a 40 plus year old porous pipe, so my Dad reckoned (the one from the filler cap and down). Over the years that followed I drove it everyday and peed myself at each MOT when they told me what was wrong. In between MOT’s stuff went wrong. But, I’m about to get it back after one and a half years renovation and before that, 2 years off the road. Three and a half years of yearning ain’t good for the brain. My de-stresser needful in metal bread box with engine and cupboards and all round quirky form. This time, I will get to grips looking after her really well and now have found the guy (now good friend) who can guide me. So......I’m going to experience another 1st ride home again. 9 miles up the road, but this time warm and toasty, still a smile on my face like the first time and no flappy windscreen wipers. Cheers Ozzie for rebooting this thread.