Splify 67 built uk panel resto

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So clutch pedal sorted, hub nut tightened with 6ft pole on 3/4 drive socket (now come lose you B********D) . She lives , took a while to fill carbs and
she cracked up and after a bit of a warm up sounds sweet. Need a new rocker cover gasket as thats leaking now and I have run out of spares, still the push rod tube is dry.
So managed to get some done (bloody hot on my mums drive) splash back tiled , took ages just getting the backing to peel off. Rocker gasket replaced and sorted a few small jobs, today fitted leisure battery after first having to go to my unit and making battery hold down clamp longer. Had to alter cables as the one they sent was different to the one ordered but not complaining as its higher amp, tested every thing and it all works fine. Forgot to take a pic ,will do tomorrow. Just seats to sort but sewing machine has effed up--------
Today will be mostly sewing , sorted machine . It was sold as cleaned and checked over ,like hell it was . Needle fell out and jammed in shuttle , bent it as well then top feed got tangled and thread got wound around shuttle so had to strip it down. Thats when I found mechanism is full of fluff so gave it a good clean and oil, took ages to get it to work again as when it tangled top feed it messed up top tensioner. Sorted now I hope.
Pissed off with Imgur , not loading my pics again. Made the 3 R&R covers , doing the rounded corners was a pain but had it sussed on the 2nd one. It will do , forgot I needed sun visor clips and every one is out of stock of white. Black it is then. Onto front seats now cutting out the panels today
managed to get pics to load, seat back that I am pleased with just a slight crease on one corner. Its hard to feed material around bend with all the weight pulling against you and making sure it goes through flat . B&Q this morning for some 1/4 beading to go along back of sink .

Started to make the "Golf GTI" seat covers, took the frames to my unit for a few mods and paint. Found a sticker on frame, not Golf at all but Sirocco II sport . I always thought the Golf and Sirocco seats were the same-------Oh well back to the sewing machine.
Need to get my finger out , just booked Camping at the Castle, week before have Busfest and Bristol as well!! Making the seat covers has been a pain, well the fronts anyway. Picked some material for curtains , 2 m should do it for a fiver. Bloody fuel gauge not working Grrrrrrr.
Fixed the sewing machine, bloody grub screw had come loose. Made the 2 seat back inset panels, made some wire rods that hold the material in place from brass (brazing) rod . Well at least it wont rust away!! Still working on my Austin hot rod as well , bits turned yesterday ,but its wet tomorrow so will be getting stuck into covers. Now do I get a sun awning ? to cook under, well the sun always shines in Bristol !!!
Bugger, broke 2 needles this morning trying to make the other seat base cover. Managed to fit the one to passenger base, PIA getting the hog rings in and the centre seat cushion should have some between squab and side bolster. No way I could hold it back and get them in myself. Anyway it will do for a first go.
Have ordered some hopefully better needles so as I had material for doing curtains had a go at that, sewing magnets in with the machine is fun stopping then sticking to bed !! Will go and see if they fit this morning and take some pics.
Made the other seat base cover and fitted it, have some leathercloth coming to do the rear panel. So this morning I loaded all the stuff from home and took it down to the bus just to see if it went in the cupboards , mostly fitted just the cooker stand is too big but then it never did . Hoping to get the seats sorted this week.
Seats fitted, curtain rail supports done and shelf made to go under sink to take cutlery tray. Couple of bits left to do then once I get it taxed etc its time for a road test and tracking.
A few more jobs sorted , now road legal and just needs tracking done. Made this set of bags from left over bits that match interior.
Tracking sorted, she drives okay but carbs still a bit iffy from standing. Forgot how clunky the gear shift was, need to relearn . Disc brakes brill but have a rubbing noise from n/s front, think its a rusty patch on disc. Steering rack conversion works a charm, nice and positive without being to sharp.
Still have a bloody oil leak from n/s rocker cover or push rod tube, bugger it looks like the new gasket didn't seal. Good wash and polish now and touch up some paint then a good clean inside as still finding filler dust!!
Watch out Brizzle we are coming.
On my way Ozzie, still adding to inventory . Now where will the 5 litre oil can fit?? Sorting out a tool kit and spares , now where are the spare plugs, points and condenser ?Looks like a search then!!
Tool kit sorted, think we gave the spare points and condenser to some one in need when we were drag racing the beetle so on my shopping list when I get to a show. The new rocker gasket was leaking so fitted another that seems to have worked, must check cover bolts. Run out to pub last night to meet hot rod club , still have a rubbing and bumping from n/s front brake . Thought it might have worn the rust off by now, a few clunks from front suspension so its spanner time on all the bolts . Must check the locating grub screws on front torsion springs just in case , she was a bit "wonder" at 50 needing constant correction on steering. At least thats minute inputs now and not 1/2 turns on wheel. She will get a wash now when its cooler at weekend , need to do something with baby moon hub caps as very rusty . "chrome effect" paint might look okay.
Still have a slight oil leak (bugger) must be a pushrod tube seal

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