Stanford Hall 2020 - cancelled

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Oct 5, 2006
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Stanford Hall 2020 and ‘Not’ The Early Bay Campout

Sunday May 3rd 2020

I've booked a club plot at Stanford Hall for this year, numbers to be confirmed but larger than usual.

As Graham is unable to run the Early Bay Campout in 2020, people may wish to camp together the night before Stanford Hall and the attend the show in Sunday or join the display.

Remember the Monday is NOT a public holiday this year.

Display places will be prioritised to show campers and the aim is to hand them out there. Booking can be made directly on the show website.

Thoughts? Anyone keen?
Hi folks just wanted to add this to this post for anyone thinking about coming to the show as a day visitor this year

Feast your eyes on these beauties!

This year we will have exclusive limited edition commemorative show t-shirts for sale.
Available in two colours and a range of sizes. Sporting a new design for 2020 on high quality shirts. T-shirts are priced at £15.00 each.
T-shirt’s will be available to collect from the club tent on the day of the show, Sunday 3rd May 2020.
Please bring your order receipt with you for collection after ‪9am‬.
And there’s more... Pre-order your 2020 Stanford Hall t-shirt’s at for a chance to win a family entry pass to this year’s show with priority parking.
Entry to the competition is open until Friday 24th April 2020. Luckily winners will be informed thereafter.
See link below and order today to avoid disappointment. 😃…/stanford-hall-2020-t-shirts/

STANFORD HALL SHOW POSTPONED and unfortunately it now clashes with Viva Skeg Vegas Show, not a great Move

On their FB Page

A decision has now been made to postpone Stanford Hall VW and the show will no longer take place Sunday 3rd May 2020.

An alternative date of Sunday 16th August has been arranged and all live bookings will be moved to this date. All traders, concours, club displays etc who have booked for this years show will be contacted directly.

This date, of course, is still subject to the ever changing situation. We will continue to monitor this date and keep in liaison with Stanford Hall.

We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause but we are sure you will all agree this action is necessary given the circumstances we find ourselves in.

We do hope you can join us on our revised date and thank you for your continued support.

LWVWOC (organisers of Stanford Hall VW)
Yes, just saw this.

I'm not sure what to do. The response for the line up hadn't been overwhelming and now it clashes with SkegVegas that wont improve.

All that said, I wouldn't be betting my bus on shows happening in August right now :(

We'll wait and see I guess.
I'd imagine between last year's rain and coronavirus
We will loss some shows and festivals for good.
Two of my favourite shows now on the same weekend won't help either.
Stanford Hall 2020 – Cancellation

After much deliberation and careful consideration the Leicestershire and Warwickshire VWOC, organisers of the Stanford Hall Volkswagen show, have decided they have little alternative but to cancel the rescheduled August 16th 2020 event.

We are now planning for the2021 show on Sunday 2nd May 2021, which will be the 45th year for the show.

It has become clear that even though there have been improvements in the Corona Virus epidemic, together with the current revised restrictions it’s still not possible for us to run an event that would be recognisable as the Stanford Hall VW show and, in fact, would currently be an illegal gathering. We also do not foresee there being sufficient further improvements and relaxations by the revised show date and therefore sadly feel we are unable to run. We understand that this may come as a disappointment but trust you will understand the predicament we find ourselves in. Please be assured that the safety of our visitors and guests has been our number one consideration in making this decision.

Anyone who has a booking with us already, will be able to leave this in place and continue to use the 2020 passes for the 2021 show despite the date change. There will be no increases in fees associated with existing bookings.

However if you can’t make the 2021 show or simply require a refund, please contact the email or postal address you made your booking with and request a full refund, also please return your 2020 pass by post. Please allow 28 days to receive your refund before contacting us again. Your patience and understanding are appreciated.

We will of course continue to accept bookings but these will now be for Sunday 2nd May 2021. All conditions and rules for 2021 will be identical to those of 2020. The website will undergo a makeover during the summer to reflect the 2021 show with revised dates and booking forms appearing in due course. Camping dates for 2021 will be Saturday 1st, Sunday 2nd May with all campers to leave before 6.00pm on Monday 3rd May.

Thanks for your support and understanding.

The LWVWOC Committee

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