Starting problems

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
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Evening all,

Hopefully one of you good people can help me out here.

My bus has been laid up for a while cos 'er indoors' decided I had better things to do with my time rather than enjoy myself. :roll: Anyway, some sneaky spanner time has seen me convert from dynamo to alternator and just tonight I set about firing the old girl up since probably October time. The only thing is, it won't fire up.

I've checked for spark at No. 1 and this seems OK. I've pulled the fuel feed off to one of the carbs and I have fuel by the bucketfull. Occasionally whilst cranking the engine I'll get a loud pop but other than that, nowt.

I've replaced the coil, rotor arm and dizzy cap just cos I was running out of ideas.

What do you folks reckon?

Thanks in anticipation

Cheers for the reply Hilly,

I haven't checked the timing, I figured that because I haven't disturbed the dizzy and when it last ran it was as sweet as a nut that the timing won't have changed.

Could it have done?
sounds like the timing or points.

did you change the points or condensor? Or are you running Petronix?
check the points gap and run a bit if fine wet n dry paper through the points. Might be a bit of condensation etc from standing for a few months.
did you try to fire it up earlier?

does smack of a timing issue, clamped up nice and tight?

the LT coil to cap is a good connection and making a firm physical connection same with the rest...?
Morning folks,

I'm afraid I gave up last night, my nose and toes had gone numb :)

I'll check all the items you guys have suggested and I'll report back when I have.

Thanks for your time fellas, much appreciated

you definately didn't take the dizzy out? I did when i changed over to alternator and turned the engine over by hand in the process, like a fool, big lesson learnt!! The dizzy drive was then in totally the wrong position and that was my problem, symptoms exactly the same as yours.
Have you put the HT leads back in the right order on the dizzy cap. We,ve all done that one before :roll:
Nope, definitely did not touch the dizzy, I just struggled round it when fitting the alternator.

I'll guess I'll go back to basics and check the timing. You guys are all pointing in that direction and it's the one thing I haven't focussed on because I'd left the dizzy alone.

Thanks for your reply

Afternoon Lang,

I got the trusty Haynes out and confirmed the positions and traced each lead to it's corresponding plug. I'll check again for school boy errors like them being 180 degrees out.


Erm.......I knew I was right, I had everything as it should be and what actually happened was that some Gremlins crept into the garage at night and rearranged the leads on the dizzy. The little buggers, I'll have 'em for that.

A quick swap round and the sound of the engine running was like music to my ears. :D :D :D

Thanks for your help folks, much appreciated.


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