Sticky Brake pedal

Early Bay Forum

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Apr 21, 2016
Reaction score
Howdy! Bus has been sitting pretty in the garage for a few weeks, jumped in today for a run to the beach, the brake pedal sticks when compressed and doesn’t return to full open? I can return it to full open using my foot… Has the freezing conditions got anything to do with it?? Never had an issue with it sticking before.. changed the master cylinder in the summer and the fluid Res is full. Any ideas? Cheers and Best
Give the pedal pivot a good soak in WD and a good working then slap some oil on , do you have a servo?
I’d certainly be having a look to see if the spring that is on the pedal pivot point has snapped. The master cylinder itself is spring-loaded, so this will assist with returning the pedal to a certain extent, but there is a point where the pedal spring needs to withdraw the rod slightly from the MC.