The scratch and sniff 71 westy

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Quick mop on the rear quarter to see how it would come up. Looking pretty scary though

Passages door and front end sanded too.


Interior is coming out nicely found a few treats too :D

Results from a few hours work,

Finally getting somewhere :) loads more progress happening over the next few days :)
dubscum said:
Looking good already! What grit sand paper you using ? Has it damaged the paint underneath ?
Used 80 as it was painted with hammerite.
And it's damaged it but not to badly which isn't to bad
dubscum said:
Tell Austin he's bent

cheers ash you nasty bastard :lol:
2and half hours work not bad :) bring on monday :mrgreen:

ash use a finer grit mate get a few grades to see...this has been sprayed in a hammerite paint so was a bitch even with a d.a hopefully wet and dry and lots of polish and a bit of blending it on will get it sorted
Took the mrs to see the van yesterday, was expecting 'what the **** is that' but instead i got an aditinal extra for my interior mirror and a very excited girlfriend.

Thought I'd pop over the workshop for a hour tonight on my way home.
Decided I'd give the floor a clean and paint over to cover the surface rust before insulating it tomorrow

Gave the dash a quick clean too. Didn't come up half bad

Can't wait now to get the rest of this horrible green paint off and crack on with some welding!
Got a few extra pairs of hands to help me tomorrow so should be heading in the right direction :) cannot wait to get it on the road.
Really great work mate. Powering through!

Looks so much better already.
So after 3 hours sleep after having to pick the mrs up from a night out i Got stuck right in this morning,first thing was welding the little patches on the floor ready for a bit of insulation to be put down.


Started to put some insulation down while my second pair of hands started to sand the drivers side. Bad news though. Looks like it's been keyed or cought the side on something and had been repaired before! So very little og paint :(

Managed to get a few patches welded and fillered.


Finally got round to taking the wordrope out
To discover another hole in the floor.

Of to the chippy and now time to crack on again :)

More updates later, hoping to order some paint tomorrow to try and blend the paint that's left on the drivers side!
Great work dude - looks like you won't have too much to do in the weld department ;)
Insulated most of the inside ready for some interior to go back In :)

And started to take the windows out for new seals :)

Change of plan about the paint though! Because of the lack of original paint on the one side, I've decided to have a full original colour respray! Not what I wanted but I think it will be best with my dead line! Austins popping over In the week to crack on with some more welding and hopefully I should get my windows and side door in the next day or two. Engine building will start next week! Wish me luck

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