Thinking of trading in my Microbus for a Westy

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i'm a dirty LHD though dude

that and i think a grand is a bit steep but it does look mint

I'd love to have a proper camping interior though as we generally use the van for exactly that rather than a bus
oh ye forgot about that,ye thats what hapend with me loved the idea of a bus but we go camping a good 10 times a year so took the plunge.

I know of a nice Westy that you've seen before that might be looking for a new home in the near future :mrgreen:
Dont think I could afford it mate not with the nipper about to drop in November she's watching my cash flow like a hawk at the minute!
OK thought I'd offer. I know what you mean about making a van your own hence why I bought the panel, blank canvas and all that.

Bizarrely the wife is not pushing too hard for me to get rid of one at the moment but could really do with some more storage so I can get them both undercover over the winter months.

I never did sort those Rack dimensions out for you did I, sorry do you still want them?
OK will try and remember to do it for you :mrgreen:
cool micro bus 8) i do like the look of tin tops , but i find i need the space of my westy's pop top to use the roof and fold down hammock has a shelf when camping :lol: its one of those things you either do or you dont put your mark on something thats so nice and original , having that same dilema with my white 68 westy , love it to bits , but i hate the side windows , do i leave em or replace them with normal glass :?
I have been going around in circles with this one

One minute i think sod it i'll do what i want with it then i think well its stayed the same for 40 years who am I to change it?

Its a tough one!

Can anyone post me some pics of their Westy interiors so I can make a informaed decision please!
with the condition of the microbus and wanting a camper , you have the choice of leaving the exterior and fit a camper interior to your liking , you always have the choice of putting the original stuff back in 8)
ive just took all the interior out of the 68 westy to do the floor , in doing so found a few parts of the westy interior wood work , well lets say flakey :shock: my dilema is do i replace the duff wood and restore the original or do i make a complete new one to my liking and needs :? aarghhhhhhhhhhh , eh dd this time next week we could both be bald with pulling all our hair out :lol:
i'm already bald lol

if you decide you want a custom interior dude i know a home for you old westy one lol
will be keeping the original interior so it can go back if needed to , will keep an eye out for any going spare :wink: yeah not to far from you , im in alfreton looking to move to derby 8)
currently got it all stripped out and making some new bits out of none flaking 15mm ply
i'd be tempted to make my own based on the original design but i'm pretty useless when it comes to woodwork or anything mechanical come to that

You did a pretty good job of the Z bed hinges, to be honest it would be relatively easy to make copies of the units as they are not exactly rocket science and I'm sure you could make some improvements along the way. Happy for you to come and measure my westy but I think Super Craig is nearer. The cabinets are ply that them have a laminate applied but if you used a good quality ply you could always stain it instead.

The westy bed brackets are available from lots of people

Let me know if you need any help or measurements
cheers dude

i'm more interested in an original just because my bus is so original i'd like to find a interior of a similar age and condition.

if i cant i'll think about it

no real rush what with winter on its way

cheers for all the help and keep your eye's peeled for a westy interior for me please people
thought i might see what it would look like

like the images dave 8) i will make some tempates of the westy interior cabinets etc :wink: just got to do the checkered floor , rust bulleted , insulation down , just got to put the wooden base down (this week i hope) , put tiles down and then i can get onto the furniture 8) , also been sourcing (trying to) the cabinet finishing trims (t pieces , corner edging etc) 8)
im looking at doing a repo of the original westy units but with a below window height ( wardrobe ) unit :wink: , complete with new buddy seat and bed unit all with new none flaking ply wood :lol:
i had a similar dilema as mine was a deluxe microbus fortunatly my seats were not the best so i decided to put a camper interior in .i know im in the minority but after owning one previously ( this one )

i decided against a westy interior as i found it cramped and a lot of space lost for a wardrobe so i opted for an early danbury interior for this one .


which still gives me 7 forward facing seats all with seatbelts , i can see out all windows , looks nice in stained wood .it also gives me a huge full width bed at centre level while still having a boot for storage ,and a cooker handily stored under one of the buddy seats ( would rather have a cooker than a sink ) sorry no pics of interior at minute as still being finished.
ihave to say your bus interior is stunning but if its a camper you want id change it or sell it and buy a camper theres no point in having it if it dont serve your needs
strongy said:
ddffrost said:
strongy said:
you must be mad dave,uve got a good bus there,id swop ya :mrgreen:

ive just put a westy interior in my tintop its fantastic.if you have somewhere to store your old pannels and seats take em out wrap um up and stick em away it could allways go back at a later date

That might be an idea for the future mate you got any pics of this new interior of yours?

Would you be up for a run out to Sherwood Pines again this winter we got a decent turn out last time and its something to do when there are no shows on?

ye im up for that we should start a thread mabee put some dates up





I have to say i prefer this interior to the westy one it seems to have more room and more visability who made this one and did they do a LHD version at all?

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