Sitting issues

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That was quick, if arrived yesterday not even 24 hours after I ordered it. View attachment 6343That’s the one that the bruv in law got me.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,what a great idea.
That one's fine for sitting there, I'd like to see the video of you trying to get out of it at ground level though.
Here’s the new one. It’s the size of a block of flats and twice as heavy. Shouldn’t turn this one into cornflakes in a short time.

View attachment 6344
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, that should keep my bum out of the dirt for a bit :)
Had to zoom in to see the name. As a fellow fat/old bloke that totally gets leaning on the arms, was interested to see what you got.

Carpzilla - is the cover removable and does it double as some kind of fish dinosaur outfit for the fancy dress 🤣🤣
Had to zoom in to see the name. As a fellow fat/old bloke that totally gets leaning on the arms, was interested to see what you got.

Carpzilla - is the cover removable and does it double as some kind of fish dinosaur outfit for the fancy dress 🤣🤣

It’s great as a chair but I don’t think I’d recommend it. It’s rather bulky and heavy too, it’s also a bit of a faff putting it up, then every time you want to move it you have to re level the legs. Great possibly for fishing but not for galavanting around a camp site.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,, if you don’t re level it , it’ll rock until you do. :)
Hi Oz
Just reading back on this I am beyond appalled that you, with or without malice aforethought invited , nay pressured , both Gaz and another ( Sproggy ) ? To rest their clearly weak and fragile bodies in what you now clearly accept was akin to a potential deathtrap. This despite you having been witness the previous evening to one ( gaz ) clearly demonstrating his inability to control his equilibrium , albeit on a late evening perambulatory return from a local hostelry. ( not Gaza’s fault ..shocking hole )
Your attempts to suggest that their safety could be “ guaranteed” by wedging a lump of wood to tilt the death trap seat forward ( towards your blazing fire pit ) only further highlight your total disregard to H&S.

ps I still owe you a stella or 4 !
Hi Oz
Just reading back on this I am beyond appalled that you, with or without malice aforethought invited , nay pressured , both Gaz and another ( Sproggy ) ? To rest their clearly weak and fragile bodies in what you now clearly accept was akin to a potential deathtrap. This despite you having been witness the previous evening to one ( gaz ) clearly demonstrating his inability to control his equilibrium , albeit on a late evening perambulatory return from a local hostelry. ( not Gaza’s fault ..shocking hole )
Your attempts to suggest that their safety could be “ guaranteed” by wedging a lump of wood to tilt the death trap seat forward ( towards your blazing fire pit ) only further highlight your total disregard to H&S.

ps I still owe you a stella or 4 !
C eee
U you
N ext
T uesday

That was without doubt a long and may I mention meandering and piffling statement of drivel to ascertain my previously proven total disregard to elf’s and dafty ness. This leads me to believe you may have progressed further had you entertained a legal career instead of actually being a baker of professional standing to which you are indeed a master ! And provided pro bono it was the other bloody chair they was both moanin about . Gaza could do well to revisit the site of equilibrium disorientation to avail himself of the evidences available to indicate his failing eyesight had indeed not witnessed the bleedin kerb cunningly renamed as said shocking hole. Hindsight’s twenty twenty vision indicate that guaranteeing their safety with wedging a piece of wood underneath my home made and self styled deathtrap could have further been improved with one extra lever in order to catapult either of the aforementioned moaning Minnies straight in to my wonderful blazing pit of eternal scorchyness. And when you finally repeat finally get your scabby hand of tightness into your darkened and possibly sewn over pockets in search of shekels or florins or groats or whatever was in circulation the last time you bought a beer, minell be a Stella thanks in a glass bottles and not in a can although I know it is less expensive in a can I’d still like a bottle thanks, and an exceeeeeedingly cold one at that .

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,was a rather eventful weekend werentit :cool: :cool::cool: