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Mar 10, 2009
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Right , ive been trying to time up the van (1600 t1 ) single carb, cheap 009 copy thing

basically it wont stay steady. ive tried it at idle. fast idle, and high revs and no matter what the stobe shows the mark bouncing all over the shop... any ideas guys?

dont know if it makes any difference but the points have a hole thru them (seems factory??)

cheers, Dan
Cross fire from number 2 HT lead (the pickup is sensing the other lead), make sure there is only one lead near the pickup, I usually have the strobe pickup near number 1 spark plug. Other than that the distributor is not firing number 1 all the time.

Are points condenser and coil ok, points gaped correctly?

Its probably the no 2 ht lead but worth checking other things if not the lead.
gonna get on it tommorow cheers guys,. ill let ya know the outcome. id like to get a old vaccum advance back on there but dunno where its been put :(

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