Turbo Thomas Exhaust System

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Jul 16, 2009
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Hi i hope someone can help me! Im looking at replacing my tatty empi muffler as its riddled with holes, i was looking at the Turbo Thomas Exhausts, however im really struggling to chose which one to go for, id love something that is a deep grumbly sporty sound but am apprehensive as to whether this will then cause me mass headache on long journeys...Any advice would be greatly appreciated or if you have any thoughts on what would go on a stock van 1600 t/p twin ccarbs that would be fantastic. :D
I have one, that's it on my avatar pic

It's ok upfront but rear passengers have been known to complain

But it does sound the business!

Where are you?
I have the twin mufflers and I don't really notice it, unless I wind the window down and I'm in the outside lane running alongside the concrete central crash wall, or doing a tunnel run! 8)
I bought a Thunderbird single quiet pack exhaust last time out thinking that it would be better than the EMPI equivalent (I saw my neighbour put an EMPI on his and it took all manner of rachet straps and crowbars to fit it...). Well it went on easy enough but stuck out the back a long way. I'd kerbed it within a month, the chrome tip was red rust in 3 months and it finally fell apart within 9 months...

This time I bought a Bugpack single quiet pack (which fits to the T-Bird header) and it appears to be a far superior product. It has a raspy but not intrusive note, the pipe sits well away from the rear of the bus and it sits much higher up (it's a slimmer box) so no kerbing and it actually feels really solid. It has proper brackets (not a jubilee clp for support like the T-Bird and EMPI) so I hold out hope for a better experience this time!

Thought this might help

Guys thanks for your input i have spoke with rich at turbo Thomas and is making one up for us!