Since putting this engine and steadily tinkering, yesterday it was running spot on. I adjusted the valves yesterday and tweeked the timing back a fraction and she was driving really nicely and smooth at idle.
This morning I was aiming to put the finishing touch by adjusting the choke. It ran better from cold but as the choke came off it seemed a bit lumpy but drove ok to drop my lad off at work. But when I started it again later things got progressively worse, so much so it will hardy run now and is a b*tch to start. It also will just die all of a sudden.
I have checked the valves again to a sliding fit at 00.06th, I have changed the coil, put the old points dizzy in (running pertronix and even put the old carb back on, and it still runs rubbish
The leads, plugs, cap and rotor etc were all brand new.
Could it be the valve adjustment? or has something gone really wrong?
I have not tried changing the fuel filter yet so might try that, but struggling for ideas guys:?
Supposed to going to France on the 15th April and feel really deflated right now as it won't even get off the driveway
This morning I was aiming to put the finishing touch by adjusting the choke. It ran better from cold but as the choke came off it seemed a bit lumpy but drove ok to drop my lad off at work. But when I started it again later things got progressively worse, so much so it will hardy run now and is a b*tch to start. It also will just die all of a sudden.
I have checked the valves again to a sliding fit at 00.06th, I have changed the coil, put the old points dizzy in (running pertronix and even put the old carb back on, and it still runs rubbish
The leads, plugs, cap and rotor etc were all brand new.
Could it be the valve adjustment? or has something gone really wrong?
I have not tried changing the fuel filter yet so might try that, but struggling for ideas guys:?
Supposed to going to France on the 15th April and feel really deflated right now as it won't even get off the driveway