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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2010
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What does everyone think of the VZI site, Im not new to Dubs just computers and just finding my feet!!
I have already found this out. Been on there a few times asking advice and out of about 20 or so replys only 2 were to help and all the others just to mock. Man the scene has changed what ever happend to Dubbers together?
VZi is a great forum mate, sometimes there are tossers on there but there are everywhere. Just don't be blinkered by one forum to another and be a bit streetwise and you'll be ok dude ;)
Hello There,,,, Pretty much what he said ^^^, I think there are a few keyboard warriors about wherever you look. I think baiting people on forums is about their only sport. The best bit with it though, is just leave them to it and wander off somewhere else. If they want to kick off then let them do it but on their own. I am pretty useless with computers as well and every time I try and search for something instead of cheesing people off, I just end up wasting a few hours of my life and get nowhere :lol: . But if you can put up with the repost police giving you a ribbing then it`s great. I`m pretty thick skinned anyway or I wouldn`t have an old bay would I. ?!! :lol: :roll: :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, Thicker than most ! (and skinned)
ozziedog said:
Hello There,,,, Pretty much what he said ^^^, I think there are a few keyboard warriors about wherever you look. I think baiting people on forums is about their only sport. The best bit with it though, is just leave them to it and wander off somewhere else. If they want to kick off then let them do it but on their own. I am pretty useless with computers as well and every time I try and search for something instead of cheesing people off, I just end up wasting a few hours of my life and get nowhere :lol: . But if you can put up with the repost police giving you a ribbing then it`s great. I`m pretty thick skinned anyway or I wouldn`t have an old bay would I. ?!! :lol: :roll: :lol:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, Thicker than most ! (and skinned)
Thanks for that, glad Im not on my own with computers and you right about thick skinned in a Bay! :lol:
Vzi is fine, just pick the stuff thats interesting and, as has already been said, watch out for a few twatty keyboard warrior types. Theres a lot of very experienced people on the tech forum and you will often get a reply quite quickly.

As a comparison I would say Vzi is about halfway between this gentlemanly site and "the samba" in terms of baiters and unhelpful comments IMO.
I'd make use of the search facility wherever possible - it's a pain and the easy way is just to ask....then'll if it's a 'what oil do I use?' type of thread you'll get the 'repost police' pouncing!

as said there are a good few on VZi - Laurie Petitt ace engine builder and 63ragtop [John] also an ace engine and gearbox bloke.

I have found a similar non related vw question that I was about to post BUT when I searched - the poster of the similar got shot down in flames, so I didn't bother. It saved me grief, just a thought.

Use it for what it should be a place where you can information and arrange cruises, buy and sell stuff. As said take it with a pinch of salt.

JK forum is also quite laid back and seen by most on vzi as 'pipe and slippers brigade', but not all Dubbers are ex rave, hedonistic party animals.

moderation is the key I find.........

Trikky, thesamba has been in hysterics, as one minute there is calm and sense and good solid info and the next it's all kicked off....inevitably off topic!

the only other advice is not to wear your heart on your sleeve - hold back or just don't post.

I have had nothing but bitching and moaning on there, thought it was just me.

Being new to the scene and crap with all mechanicals I often need to ask daft questions but find its here or JK that I get the support that I need. It nearly put me off the scene all together I found it that clicky. Its all very well being told to do a search but if you dont know the name of that 'thingy' in your hand that dropped off, then it can seem like looking for a needle in a hay stack. I usually find that its those types who are quick to take our money with very little advice attached. That said, there are horses for courses, but this works best for me.

Thanks to all those on here who do help us newbies out, however daft the questions! ;)
Well well well, there was me thinking I was the only computer plebby. I always fancied putting the original post on with my own answer ( if that is making any sence ). But I always end up doing it wrong and then the thing disapears so I gave up on that. Pleeeeeeeeease don`t try and explain it to me as I`m pretty dim when it comes to computers, I even tried to underline that and it didn`t work :lol: My missus has given up :roll: .. That roll eyes thingy was copied off my missus for sure. Back down to the garage now as Madonna and Sherby are topless and getting cold, (before someone tries to explain)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,, Maybe the thickest of the thicko brothers :lol: :roll: :lol:
vzi is like getting in a cold bath quick in quick out , if you stay in too long you will find yourself looking at 178 pages of epic boob girls... :shock:

It`s a mix of people who like bugs,splits,notches,bajas,etc , I just like buses and marinas... 8)
sallyandsean said:
Man the scene has changed what ever happend to Dubbers together?

Smaller forums like this seem to attract some decent dudes. There are a few cocks who will have a pop at anyone but just dont get dragged into them tryna prove how small there bits arent. I stick to the Bugnutz page being a club member and other than that for sale and readers rides. Some folk on thetech bits such as moby have forgoten more than i know about VWs but be careful when desifering the solution from the bullshit that "my mate did" or the "guy i spoke did". Its an awesome forum and ive been on for years but the VWs increase in cool has brought some more penis envy denial folks to the scene too.

sparkywig said:
Slighly diverting at a tangent, speaking of thesamba, can anyone suggest why some of my posts were deleted on the bus forum?

No idea but I have noticed that, unlike Vzi, the samba do pull threads quite often rather than simply lock them.

I have only browsed the samba forums a few times but i have never joined to post on there since i find theres too much bitchyness and unhelpful wise cracks for it to be attractive.

Their archive bits are brilliant though. :)
I think this thread from here answers your Question,

http://forum.earlybay.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=20793" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

personally, i find this and other forums much more welcoming and helpful than anything on VZi

Although i do admit if it wasn't for VZi I wouldn't know half the people i do now.
I am a member on a number of forums, personally I prefer the tech or resto (or FS ;) :lol: ) sections but that me.

VZi is like other have posted but still an excellent forum, just horses for courses
I find visting VZi is like taking a trip up to London. It's fast moving, scary and full of strangers. I make a quick visit once in a blue moon and then I return to the quite, friendly village atmosphere of Early Bay, where everyone has time to stop for a chat!

I also like to take a daily trip into the nearby 'market town' of Jk. I know several people there, and generally everyone is friendly. I can cope with the pace of life there too. Not hectic, but not slow and sleepy either! :D
Danbury Doug said:
I find visting VZi is like taking a trip up to London. It's fast moving, scary and full of strangers. I make a quick visit once in a blue moon and then I return to the quite, friendly village atmosphere of Early Bay, where everyone has time to stop for a chat!

I also like to take a daily trip into the nearby 'market town' of Jk. I know several people there, and generally everyone is friendly. I can cope with the pace of life there too. Not hectic, but not slow and sleepy either! :D

* Metaphor of the week award*

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