Weobley dubs at the castle

Early Bay Forum

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Hi Paul, it’s fairly spread out around the castle. There’s no Earlybay bit as such from memory but last couple of times we just sort of spread out in the middle, might do the same again. If I’m sorted, I’ll post on here when I’m rolling and might be able to get a few of us down there together on the proviso that you promise to stop popping your linkage! Oooeer Mrs. :eek: Did slacking that bit off do the trick bud ?

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,no one likes a linkage popper :)
Hi Paul, it’s fairly spread out around the castle. There’s no Earlybay bit as such from memory but last couple of times we just sort of spread out in the middle, might do the same again. If I’m sorted, I’ll post on here when I’m rolling and might be able to get a few of us down there together on the proviso that you promise to stop popping your linkage! Oooeer Mrs. :eek: Did slacking that bit off do the trick bud ?

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,no one likes a linkage popper :)
Hi Ozziedog, yes keep your post updated and let’s see what comes as I reckon weather will be good for September 😊 PS I had no issues with carb linkages since we popped it back on in May when we left RTTS so fingers crossed it be fine just still getting a popping of back fire when reducing speed at 55mph 😂
This is starting to sound a bit more optimistic, like days of yore with loads of bays altogether. Nice nice nice. I might even bring the washing machine drum instead of that tiddler , but it takes up so much room. Are those two young fellas likely to be coming Paul?

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,more the merrier. :)
That’ll be me then. Are you about on Saturday??? Just got out of the pub bud. Mark would like to see you and have a chat re his 911 , could do with a ticket.

Oziedog,,,,,,,, see you on Saturday???
Hi All, has anyone bought there tickets yet as FB page was showing limited tickets left on sale.

Just thought I ask as to what people have done.


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