what do you call your early bay?

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
kings lynn
not its individual name. do you call it a bus, van, camper, transporter type 2, etc. etc.

sorry if this has been done before, i was just wondering the other day while driving (i should get a stereo)

i call mine a bus
Ed, I think you should get a stereo too :lol:

For the record I call mine 'The Bus'

However, after my accelerator cable decided to part company with the barrel clamp on my carb, on a blind bend
at the start of the 'dubs at the beach' cruise yesterday :oops: I called it lots of things totally unrelated to the model genre!
Mine is called Poppy, mainly due to when i first had her she "popped" all the time and bingo! :mrgreen:
Generically mines referred to as "the bus" or as my little girl calls it "camperbam" - though "faith" is a more personal name and I mutter this as I'm driving along!
I have all these years always just called it "the van". I guess its because at the time they were generically referred to as campervans.

Im not good at naming things anyway, took me enough time and trouble to name my kids. :lol:

Like others on here its occasionally been called "you bastard" and much worse at times, often when working on it, shortly followed by a tirade about the person responsible for the design of some particular component or its location. :lol:
My Devon is called Peggy after the previous owner named it after his dead gran, there were prayer cards with her picture hanging up in the bus it was a bit freaky but they must have been close. I'm 5th generation fisherman and its an old sailors superstition thats its morbidly bad luck to rename a vessel.

My Cali combi is named in the honour of its one only owner Edgar, i thought it was only fair as he took such good care of it. heres a pic of the old geezer before i got it. im sure it broke his heart :(

mines called the goddess as it used to be green before i restored it and its kinda stuck ,i do egg her on going up the big hills and talk to her when i put her in the garge after a big run :lol: thanking her for not breaking down :lol:

but to everyone else its the bus !

To other people I call it " bus" but to family and friends in spanish I call it " kombi" as is better known in Mexico.
I have only named my first bus "Vecchio" that is "old" in italian , only because my wife and I had just come back from a holiday in Italy when we got the bus.
personal name would be "Utah Joe", but "the camper" or "camps" get used occasionally!
Mine is called Sherby as he was a bit of a lemon, my donor is called Madonna which is just a little sick. When I`m going down the garage to resume work he`s called My Van or The Van and sometimes (rarely) he`s called Our Van. My little nephews call him tha camber bam. I think it must be 2 to 4 year speak for VolksWagen

we call ours 'sandy' which we think suits her very well, although my father in law finds it hilarious to call her the 'banana' - i ignore this as best i can:)

Our's is called a bus, I don't like calling it camper..... just sounds so wrong :D
Razzle Dazzle (named by the kids honest) - after a kids programme on CBeebies that had a character called Razzle Dazzle.

Then our son decided that Razzle Dazzle was too long a name, so he shortened it to just Razzle!!

We learnt a valuable lesson - don't let your kids name things...

However The Bus or Bus or Campervan depending on who we are speaking to!

Recently we added F**king Piece of Sh1t - to the list when the disc brake conversion didn't go to plan.

Crikey this is like therapy...

And yes we talk to Razzle when he goes up big hills & we cheer when we get to the top!!

Am i really writing this down & sharing this with you??? :lol: :eek:

I refer to mine as The Kombi

but she is named Betsy {wifes choice} which the majority of our friends talk about 'Betsy'
Mine is called "Moose" , not sure why but like Johnny said I think it's bad luck to change but generally gets refered to as "The Camper" or "Our Camper" when running well or "Your Camper" when something breaks or needs replacing :lol:

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