What other projects do you have on the go?

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I've had 2 coopers, my last 1 was a 1275 Carb version (the last year they ran carbs) and the other was the 1st of the switch over to injection and to be honest the Fuel injection mini knocked spots of the carb version
froggy said:
I've had 2 coopers, my last 1 was a 1275 Carb version (the last year they ran carbs) and the other was the 1st of the switch over to injection and to be honest the Fuel injection mini knocked spots of the carb version

quite a few mini fans here! - my bro has a 1990 cooper carb in his garage in bits :shock: - my last mini was an Italian job, no major mods just quick shift, RC40 and a stripped interior with Cobra seats....I miss it some days :cry: - will probably get another one when my eldest is ready to learn to drive/weld/tinker!

My last project was sold to fund a van - thinking of getting another bike once a van is sorted, a triumph based custom would be nice (ride a BMW F800ST so would be a change from my daily commute bike!)

something like:
Here are 2 of my minis


Sold them to buy a stock TR7, which didnt stay standard for long :roll: end up as a trackcar


Sold the TR7 in 2003 to buy a camper

Sold the blue camper in Feb 2009 and bought the current one (68 westy), think i'm sticking with VW's from now on. Hmmm... fancy a beetle as well, but the wife might go mad at me

from left to right
'77 gt750 kettle, relatively clean stock bike waiting some tlc
'70 1200 flh, practically finished really.
'96 1200 bandit, in process of being put back on the road after i stacked it.


'73 2.3 efi, my daily drive and resto in progress, well i say daily untill yesterday when a hydrau' leaked caused a total shutdown.

along with my ever evolving '70 panel and a lambretta sx150 awaiting reassembly and paint.

this is whats left after streamlining, getting rid of a further three bikes.

what can you do?
The Missus has a Morris Minor needing some TCL but its years off, i wanted to persuade her to sell it to get a decent bug but its got sentimental value.
I'm about to start rebuilding the engine in a 1986 bmw 5 series. My dad drove it for 14years, but then the head gasket went and it locked up :( He brought Grazys Audi A4 and said if i wanted it i can have it :D

Dunno weather to fix the current engine which is 'played' with or get the 325hp 3.5L engine and heavy duty transmission from the same era M5. Not a partically popular,common or sortafter car tbh, but he got it when i was a kid so it's got centimental value.
bottom rung said:
I got this:

Its a Pitts S-2 biplane; the whole project is for sale cheap to fund my bay fetish.

wow I want it.. :shock: :shock:

Do you need a licence?

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