Workshop Fire - WTF?!?

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Well shocked and gutted for you both,I was looking forward to seeing this on the road :( All the best with sorting it all out......Dave
The floor is a brand new Schofield's one just fitted a few months ago, and it doesn't seem to have been damaged, so Baron - once everything is confirmed and we can go ahead and start :cry: cutting it up :cry: the floor is yours.

Cheers everyone, I hope something good can come out of this mess.

James and Rach x

i'll put my repairs on hold, but if you change your plans dont worry about me, get on and do whats best, just let me know if plans do change

chin up guys, at least your bus will live on in some form :)

though how anyone can say it's just a lump of metal is beyond me :roll: dunno whats worse, losing a much anticipated project, or a van that you use everyday :|
James & Rach

I don't think we have met but I do feel for you at the moment, I know Dean spoke to you last night and dropped me a line after asking if we could help in any way and obviously we will if we can.

As others have suggested if you want to sell parts then get a list up and I'm sure there will be plenty of buyers on here prepared to help, alternatively if you need help clearing up etc or even continuing with the bus project again let us know and we will see if we can help in whatever way we can.

Its at times like this that people pull together and I'm sure everyone on this forum that can help will help.

Feel free to drop me a line either on the MEB address or via PM if I/we can help in any way,
Like others who have commented elsewhere on this thread, really feel for you both. Alongside waking up and seeing my bus no longer parked where I left it the night before this really is a nightmare scenario. Hope you are able to salvage much more than you first thought, either to sell and fund something new, or who knows with the people on this forum you may find all sorts of other possibilities opening up.

Hope you find the will, encouragement and funding to stay in the scene - wishing you all the best
Is there not a chance you can save it by grafting a new roof on?*

*not that roofs are easy to come by.....

But it seems an awful shame.... but if not lets hope a few busses can live through the demise of this one.

Is there any way we could help with tools? Will pm you.
We lost all ours tools in a fire about 5 years ago, although it was just tools and no cars thanks to a guy storing fuel two doors up....... LOTS of uninsured snap on, didn't get anything out... :(

*sparkle* said:
Is there not a chance you can save it by grafting a new roof on?*
Hi Tracey

Not really, as it was a deluxe sunroof model so was a double skin roof - nightmare to find and too big a job now we have no unit to work in either... thanks though.

Tool-wise - we could do with borrowing a petrol powered radiac if anyone has one to cut the van up???

Rach :)
That has got to be everyones worst nightmare, the loss of bus, parts, tools and the facility too, I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Let's hope the situation can be resolved asap, so if your bus is to become an 'organ donor' it can happen sooner rather than later. There are plenty of people looking for 'cuts' so hopefully this sad loss can benefit others and provide a bit of cash towards another VW. 'Cos you know you have to go on......
It is hard to believe what can happen from one day to another, it is a great loss in so many ways, I know it's hard to make a decision as to what you are going to do ,but I hope you decide to get another project so you give us the opportunity to help you with some bits.
Anybody who's into VW's or old cars worst nightmare. I dont need any body cuts. However let us know when you need a hand if clearing the garage or cutting up the van once the insurance is sorted out. I'll come down with a few VW friends on the day to help.

Also might have a small compressor you can have once you have somewhere to store tools again.
Really really feel for you at the moment, you will come out of this a lot stronger & with more experience to build another van.
Good luck with everything
uber cool said:
Anybody who's into VW's or old cars worst nightmare. I dont need any body cuts. However let us know when you need a hand if clearing the garage or cutting up the van once the insurance is sorted out. I'll come down with a few VW friends on the day to help.

Also might have a small compressor you can have once you have somewhere to store tools again.

Thank you so much for this offer i can't believe that someone who i don't know would offer this service, its amazing and i would do the same if roles were reversed.

However there may have been a slight change of plan Thanks to Gadget boy and Graham L there is a Delta green early bay for sale in the midlands which i am going to view tommorow and try and sort a deal out and get me back on the road.

To all that have offered services at the moment i only have the words THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH but when i am back up and running i can offer various upholstery work at very good rates.

It looks like i'm not going to get a penny after talking with a solicitor as the other guy has no insurance and no assets, so i have resided myself to the fact that i'll just have to start from scratch again. I am thinking a lot more positive now due to the fantastic responses from this site that is %100 true so you have all played apart in keeping the vw fire lit, it was nearly out HA HA HA (just realised what i've wrote) :lol:

So Uber cool the offer is awsome and has been mentally noted, i'll see how we go and keep you posted you never know thing may turn round quicker than i thought.

:D J an R
Good to hear your both feeling more positive. Hope to see you posting here for sometime to come :mrgreen:
That delta green bus is a good prospect, I hope all goes well and your loss isnt too great.
Yours was the only other rhd sunroof crossover I know off and it would be a sad loss, maybe someone could salvage it, I know sunroof roofs come up now and then.

Whatever you decide I wish you luck.
Ow man, this hurts too much...
With my own bus residing downstairs it's been my worst nightmare to find it in flames after a long hard night of welding. It's even worse when it's the fault of some tosser next door who couldn't care less about your hobby.
I really hope you don' leave the scene and that delta green bay seems right up your alley.
Keep going strong fella and I ope things work out fine for you and your missus.