This is a difficult one...
I wouldn't be disappointed if EB became a club - but it would very much depend on the underlying reasons for it being made so.
It's my opinion that because the bay-window bus is a far more practical and versatile vehicle than a split-screen bus (or even a pre-70's bug), I think that a majority of bay-window owners are owners out of necessity or function i.e. campers, surfers - and as a result they're probably not "into" the bus scene or internet forums etc.
Therefore the EB "club" is probably never going to appeal, or capture any of the above market share.
The ethos of the EB forum is as it says on the home page, "The site for enthusiasts of the early 'low light' VW bay window type 2's (1967-72)".
If "club" status is a vehicle (no pun intended) for maintaining/increasing presence at shows etc then I'm all for it, and I'd also stump up an "annual membership fee" (£5-10?) to assist in covering admin/marketing expenses - obviously in return for an EB membership sticker or similar
What about introducing an "investor" type association with EB? I've seen this be successful with un-signed bands/artists (See the Invest page at
If you join as a forum member that's fantastic - yet if you decide to give something back to EB you can do so. I'm not suggesting this has to be 10s or 50's or 100's of pounds - it could be whatever you are prepared/want to donate. However for company "investors" you may have to define some criteria etc.
Maybe corporate investors could sponsor an annual/bi-annual "bus of the year" award, and to qualify for entering your bus (and for voting for any bus) you'd have to be an "investor" (rather than just a forum member)?
Anyway - sorry for going on - and please discount any rubbish I've said... I just wanted to add my 2p's worth