1972 Crossover Dormobile - Full Restoration Work In Progress

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hi guys, just a little update. i dropped the 091 box off at bears for a rebuild. in the end i decided on a 1.18 3rd gear and a 0.77 4th. didnt opt for the 0.7 as i would have to really rag the bus in 3rd.

also, i've stripped the bus down ready for the bodyshop which i'm hoping will be going in this coming week.
well the bus has made it to the bodyshop a couple of weeks ago and they have started working on it.

the only pic i have is this one:


so far no filler has been found so happy and excited :)

Good news about the filler :mrgreen:

Please get more pictures if you can ;)
i have just got back from the bbodyshop and they are cracking on with it. they have now stripped and removed the doors...i forgot to take pics though soz.

last night i borrowed a mates engine hoist to lift the engine onto the engine stand. i have decided to brase the engine off the engine bar as i didnt like the thought of having the engine and box hanging off the stand. i have mocked up the oil tank and wiring too, so almost getting ready to put fluids in and starting the de-bugging process AGAIN.

here is a picture of the lump on the engine stand:

ok, so i got a couple of hours on the bus last night - well the engine! i managed to get the engine where i'm ready to try filling with oil and cranking! that will be mondays job :s

today i popped over to the bodyshop and they have made some progress with the bus. they have stripped the foof and started work on it:

they have also stripped the two doors of paint and will have started filling the few little dings:

next week they are supposedly going to get the roof into some tpye of resin filler and hopefully the doors in primer. they have also made a good start on the custom dash. for those who remember, i had the custom in RHD and it is being converted to LHD they are hoping to get the dash bolted in place and will start the fillerwork for that next week.

hope they do a great job on the foof :lol:

Its great when you can see things moving forward 8)
ok, so i popped to the bodyshop in my lunch and they are cracking on with it. they have pulled the dent out of the front and slimmed it with filler. they have also covered the little dings in the front panel - to be rubbed down in the next few days...



the reflector hols in the doors have been filled and filler applied to be rubbed down


the tiny dents in the tailgate have been fillered and rubbed down:

they have pretty much converted the custom dash to LHD, well the metal work anyway. they have bolted te dash in place for them to start on the filler work:

will be going back on friday to see the progress.

ok, so i popped up to the bodyshop again this lunchtime and they have made some more prgress. they have done some filler work on the dash and looks pretty good in my opinion:

the doors are all in primer ready for the first rub down to find any low spots:





they have aslo stripped all of the paint off the bus now and done some filler work to get rid of the tiny dings


they are hoping to get most of the dings on the body sorted and the exterior in primer by the end of this week. Then they will will start to sand it back to make sure there are no flat spots. they are also painting the underside and interior too so a while before its finished i think

no photo progress, but massive progress on the engine. it RUNS

it turns out that the porsche coil on a K Jetronic CDS ignition isnt actiually a coil, although its called a COIL.

when i rewired the bus the wiring consisted VW and Porsche...well the VW gives the coil an ignition live (15) to the coil, where as the Porsche gives the coil its feed from the CDS unit (ignition unit). when i rewired the bus i put both wires in when it only needed the porsche wire from the CDS unit.

i removed the vw ignition wire and i have never heard an engine fire up so quickly in my life...

Back down on thursday to drop the oil and measure how much oil i put back in as its running with ALOT of smoke at the moment and i think its to do with too much oil in the engine. then it'll be time to check if i solved the problem i have before with the engine cutting out after about 3-4mins when the circuit warmed up.

You want to make sure the oil tank is at the correct height that could cause you problems,
Good progress on body though mate :)
Nelly said:
You want to make sure the oil tank is at the correct height that could cause you problems,
Good progress on body though mate :)

Loxy and I were debating this last night. how do i know the correct height? i realise the oil will run into bottom of engine if the oil tank is too high, but how do i know that height??? any ideas mate
The bottom hose for the oil on the engine should be in line with the bottom hose on the tank ;)
if i remember correctly i think this is what i've done :)

just need to measure how much oil i put in and get rid of all the smoke thats coming out of the exhaust :) i'm putting that down to the fact that i've been cranking it for ages trying to get it to start combined with not running for a while. i was just a little concerned by the amount of smoke :s
Those 911 motors really don't like loads of unburnt fuel being chucked down the bores,
I killed a 2.7 motor due to bore wash caused by bad electrics, after each time trying to start but failing i'd remove plugs and allow fuel to dry out.
lets hope any fuel that was in there from cranking would have evaporated. but not sure that would happen with the plugs still in there. may take a couple out to see if its dry in there.

the plugs were out for a few months before last week so should be masses of fuel in there.

you got me a little worried now nelly :s
Sorry dude just easier to learn from other peoples costly mistakes tham make them yourself.

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