I've been doing a bit but not posting.
I made a blind container for the rear hatch from an outer sill and a side over. I didn't realise side covers were tapered. You can hardly tell. :-[ And I made a cut down panel to fit below...
Washed my rare brown seatbelts...
Made blind hiding gubbins and a cut-down panel for opposite the sliding door. Work in progress with a random ply panel...
Oiled and balanced with a trim panel. I had to cut down the panel width and height and make a new hardboard back as it was really warped, but the vinyl and woolly backing were good. The panel will be curved to the side of the van when it's fixed with the original clips...
I've also re-vamped the sliding door trim card with new hardboard - wierd to see such flat trim panels.
And I've stained and oiled all the furniture, glued it together, painted the metal parts...
...ordered lights, run the wires for same, removed and oiled the roof panels, ordered the stainless steel work surface for the kitchen unit, drilled the van to fix the unit, ordered the blind material, bought and fitted all the roller blind mechanisms and rubbed down one side of the rear inside to freshen up with some rattle can paint. I know I should 2-pac it, but it's such a hassle masking everything up, where I can get away with some newspaper using celly.
It'll be red anyway.
In the cab a friend has bought me some seat covers and giving me arch mats, I've primed all the steelwork I made to support the double seat, made kick panels, going to order some cheapy JK vinyl door cards and cleaned a rubber cab and walk=through mats someone else gave me.